RE: Collective vs. Private Ownership (Part 2 of a Series)

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Collective vs. Private Ownership (Part 2 of a Series)

in economics •  8 years ago  (edited)

Ok, @kingkawdad, you get your worldview.
That economics is not a science is just a fact.
If you don't mind being worked for your lack of knowledge that is fine for you, but when you advocate simply ending the dictatorship of rulers, but keeping the rules of the oligarchy, what have you changed?
The wealthiest rule us now, they will rule us if we adopted an-crap.
You got to read the books, open your mind to ideas not given to you by those that will kill us to control us, and decide for yourself.
Here is a short book:
That book is responsible for my identifying as an-com.
If you want to put up a post, or comment mine, we can hash this out, I got time,....

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You're doing it again...telling me that I lack "knowledge" and that the rich plumber down the street 'rules' me...that I'm somehow unwittingly promoting the current system which I clearly state I'm AGAINST...and economics isn't a science? Bizarre statement to make considering its a well-established social science.

Simply telling others that they're dumb and not on your level of enlightenment w/o ever explaining your position is just you being a dick. Larken Rose and others have made clear, simple arguments in support of their ideas and attempted to engage you but you only repeat your dickish comments.

To say that I--who have views FAR outside the mainstream--don't have an open mind is just silly.

Why would I want to continue hashing anything out w/someone who doesn't do anything but tell 'ancraps' how stupid they are?

"I'm right and you're wrong and if you can't see that you're just a stupid-head!"

NOW we are done.
We can let the folks decide who the troll was,...

Well, what do you want me to do?
If all you have is bullshit garbage in garbage out gov't funded schooling you have no clue what is outside the box that is your knowledge base.
Mine, too.
Nobody can know what they don't know.
What I do know, and can point you to my sources, if you like, is that crapitalism is slavery to those that have of those that have not.
They set themselves up as the greatest thing since sliced bread while they deny that very bread to the children of the poor.
$10 an hour is all they want to pay, less where they can, while taking the collective millions not paid in wages to build walls to keep out the very source of their wealth.
Stick it in your ear until you look behind the veils that separate you from the knowledge I have.
You see Larken has not bothered to defend himself, because he has looked behind the veils,...
Please forgive my curtness,....

Still talking in circles...capitalism bad, communism good...and no need to explain why or show Larken & Co. where their thinking is off...

Lazy dick.

How am I the lazy one? You are the one embracing your ignorance,...

Ok, we're done...GFY troll...