A great example of whats wrong with steemit

in economics •  9 years ago  (edited)

I don't really care about getting paid to post. I do pretty well. But i want to show you all a great case-in-point example of why having "favored authors" is bad.

Recently, @anonymint posted a completely inaccurate article about the debasement of steem held as steem power. In the comments section, i wrote extensively correcting his math and conceptual errors and telling him the actual formula for debasement. You can read all of this in the comments seciton.


today, he posted again. This time correcting his numbers (stealthly never even acknowledging he was incorrect in the first place) and coming up with debasement rates using the formula i showed him in the comment section of his last article. He gave me no credit. He only mentioned me to say that I was wrong about the rate having to do with the creation of vests (he is incorrect about that too).

Especially when this guy is getting thousands of dollars per article (for not being able to do simple math), its really too much to ask for him to give proper credit where it is due? Especially given that he spent most of the time in the thread acting like an arrogant dick and telling me i was wrong.

oh new post here forgot to link it


note the numbers in the new chart are completely different, and entirely in line with the formula i gave him in the comments to his first post


I realized after i posted this that @ned upvoted one of my posts where i was explaining to anonymint how to do it correctly (to the tune of like 700 bucks). I actually had not noticed this in my post list because it was alreayd off the front page, and was buried in literally a dozen or more posts that i made trying to explain how to do this correctly in that thread. I don't want to seem unappreciative of that. I totally am. but i still think the issue was handled very poorly by the poster.

Further edit:

I kind of went off when i posted this, because it struck me as super crappy and unfair. But i really don't want people to read this and just think its me being a dick. This is the first time ive been legitimate pissed off over steemit.

Like most people, i work for a living. Not very hard, and i get paid pretty well, so thats nice. But I don't get up and go to my computer in the morning and say to myself "hey, you know what might be a blast. Let me try to teach economics and math to someone that treats me like a total shit head"

by treats me like a total shit head, i mean (and keep in mind that this is all in defense of the formula that he later changed. that is to say, later admitted was incorrect) quotes like below (and this is only a small sample):

If you are going to continue to spew hatred, I am going to MUTE you. That comment is not productive and doesn't help build a community.

Because you aren't accounting for the fact that SP holders at the start of the year are debased by the new SP holders that are paid rewards. Duh! You missed the entire big mathematical revelation in my blog which is probably why a PhD in math upvoted my blog!Now go study my math and stop being a jerk.

You appear to be highly confused. The SP doesn't necessarily double. It depends on the ratio of SP to non-SP, since their sum is the money supply and 95% of the money supply is created as SP.

I won't bother to unravel the rest of your confusion. Please try to take the time to understand my math. I will try to explain it more in Part 2. I think you unnecessarily complicate your understanding by trying to think in terms of vests, which afaics is entirely unnecessary as illustrated in my math.

@sigmajin at this point you are creating useless noise. S

It is a bit annoying that you were too lazy to take the time to try to really comprehend my blog and instead immediately jumped into plastering the comments with your long-winded "walls of text" incorrect accusations.

Now when it turns out he realizes hes wrong (after literally a full day of banging my head against the wall trying to pound the info into his skull, does he say "boy was i silly, i guess you were really right, sigma? No, he says nothing at all. Instead, he continues with this arrogant trash talking.

From the second post

In part 1, I derived the math for the share of the cost of rewards that is paid (as debasement) by STEEM POWER (SP) holders. I’m going to attempt to make that math more comprehensible to the average person. And I will explain the share of the cost paid by liquid STEEM holders. (which you might realize, includes all the STEEM held on exchange markets such as Poloniex)

In the comment section of Part 1, @sigmajin thought my math was in error because I didn’t mention the way the blockchain “invisibly” accounts for SP as VESTS. This is entirely irrelevant to my correct math,

WHats worse, this guy is getting paid thousands of dollars , for a completely incorrect post. Then, when he correccts himself and fails to acknowledge he was ever wrong, he gets another couple of grand.

As far as I can see (and based on reading his posts) @anonymint has no education or expertise on economics or law. Yet hes paid to post on these matters, and he uses that fact to imply to his readers that that payment is equivalent to an endorsement of his posts. Which are, for the most part, terrible.

I know this might sound insane, but maybe the guy who thinks the vesting fund has vests in it shouldnt be the guy steemit is paying thousands to explain the system. Like maybe that guy should know something. No, im not saying me. But ollie or someone.

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If your on the curation lists you get the votes. It sucks but that's the way it is. More and more people are starting to realize this. Maybe that's the reason for the sudden steem price drop.

I am curious. How do I get into that curation list?

  • Be famous
  • Have a lot of social media followers
  • No idea ask the people that make them....

a rep higher than 2 might help

thats definitely the reason, and its a shame.

see the edit above

Well, you never know. They might change things around. Wouldn't be the first time a crypto forked.

that would be a forking disaster.

Epic rant! :)

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

i kno right. i actually feel a little dumb about it, because ned upvoted actually 2 of my posts in that thread literally as i was typing this.. IDK if ppl think im being a butthurt twit i guess thats fine. But theres a certain level of respect that everyone should get.

Debate time. I'll bring popcorn.

haha.... if its about the debasement numbers, the debates already over, hes doing it my way now.

If its about the future of steem i think the exchange price says everything that needs to be said. I hope they turn it around, but it seems like the platform is losing credibility every day.

Black, it's about the sigma's work and effort. You would feel frustrated if you were in his shoes. I would. And there are more motives of frustrations here. That's not the only type. Maybe steemit will eventually evolve without losing the guys that have something to say, not just easy posts.

Wait what? I didn't say anything remotely like that

My bad. I thought you were sarcastic. Sorry.

Wow....I feel for you Brother. I am just a minnow so my Upvote or support doesn't mean much in that regard but as you don't care about that according to your post thats why I am taking the time to comment here anyways.
I just want to say that you bring up a really good point and it is something that needs to be read and hopefully accountability held. Though your mention of NED UPvoting your comment kinda proves that to me.
Because this is a "free market" platform even if people are dicks or liars, we can't censor them....However hopefully this community will be able to notice such things and no longer UPvote someone who does such. The fact that NED uprooted your comment tells me that the community as a whole (maybe not everyone in it) cares about truth, transparency and honor.
Keep writing truthful and important posts regardless of if you get acknowledgment from it as it is important to many of us such as my self. I do believe that over time if we as minnows to help and support each other that will will have some real influence and we can use that to direct this community in a way we truly believe in!
I am following you, as you have proven to be contributing real value. I only have a few posts but would love it you would check me out and stay in touch.
Best Regards~*~

I think what you may need to factor into your equations is that some of those accounts are money laundering accounts set up to distribute money for reasons other than good content.

what youre saying the multi-million dollar call center in venezuela isnt legit?

Thanks for the upvote.
Everything I say must be taken with a grain of salt.
My computer literacy stopped progressing at the ti994a, so,....