RE: How can the government better support economic growth and job creation in your opinion?

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How can the government better support economic growth and job creation in your opinion?

in economics •  9 months ago 

Sorry, I will distill. No other problem will continue to be important if the hidden tax of inflation is not brought under control. That's all I was trying to explain.

Historically, it has happened before. All other 'problems' right now are simply distractions to keep us from taking positive steps to rectify the situation.

It is also the reason people can no longer afford basic things like housing and property. As inflation increases, food and heat will also become too expensive to afford. The more government 'helps' the faster the destruction.

In the Weimar Republic, they used wheelbarrow for moving grocery money.

You are spot on about the Whiskey Rebellion, it was a blight on this Republic! It may not matter soon....

Move to the country, and grow your own food! If we don't stop this inflation, it's over; unless we are self sufficient!!!

Stay safe.


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While inflation has been high across the board it has been a lot worse in real estate. You cannot explain the yearly double digit inflation rates in housing with normal devaluation of the dollar. Yes, the federal reserve giving cheap money to the banks for over a decade following the 2008 collapse made speculation much worse, arguably putting it into hyper drive but it was a problem long before that.

Agreed, it is bad in real estate. Any true hard asset is seeing the same Changes. I believe they have manipulated real estate by the simple expedient of dumping the dollars they have into real estate, like other fixed assets. Their goal is to divest their dollars, ignoring the inflation feeding results of open ended purchasing; until that same dollar is worthless! Then, whatever is put in place to replace it (digital dollar) they will have significant value in those fixed assets.

So real estate is disgusting right now, but it's spilling over into most things. The price of used cars has doubled. I bought silver at $5 an ounce, and it's now in the $25 to $30 an ounce range. I paid $5800 for a used car ten years ago. When I looked it up, the same car, with twice the miles; is over $6000 today.

So you are absolutely correct, real estate prices are, and will continue to, climb as the dollar does! Those just starting out, will be disproportionately affected by this mess; and it Not their fault!!! The deliberate (they are Not that stupid) uncontrolled spending is making politicians and their donors, rich by this divestiture of the dollars they are destroying! They are buying tons of metals, and as many houses as they can....

I regularly get checks in the mail for real estate I own. For my house, they started at $100,000. Last week it was $145,000, with a twist; I don't have to move...I can keep living in Their house! Total desperation, and unlimited greed!!!!

I'm planning to move, because the other side of this coin is that my property taxes continue to climb; and when this crashes, I need to be in the country!

So get ready, you have identified the problem. We just need to pick out our best route through what must come! Just remember that the government policies have deliberately caused this, and they don't care if you survive or not! They have stated they want a 95% reduction in population....

Be safe my friend, they don't like people that think; so be careful!