Working Poor – 40% of 18-34 Year Olds in California Live with Mom/Dad

in economy •  7 years ago 
Working Poor - 40% of 18-34 Year Olds in California Live with Mom/Dad by Rory, The Daily Coin Before the birth of The Daily Coin I was working for a large retail corporation. Typical, lower Management position with about dozen people under my watchful eye. Great group of kids, primarily in the 18-34 age bracket - Millennials - and they all shared a common trait; no future. I don't mean to sound harsh, but these young people knew something was very wrong. They couldn't identify it, but they all had a sense that unless that made a stand with the company we worked for their future would be far less than what their parents enjoyed. Most of these young adults lived with several roommates in order to afford living away from their parents house. A few lived in subsidized housing and others worked multiple jobs in order to make ends meet. This was more than three years ago. During the past three years we have seen our economy go from bad to worse. I have been saying, for some time, we are in an economic depression and I believe this started sometime around 2011. The true numbers, as reported by John Williams at Shadow Stats, supports this idea. If you compare the current true unemployment and true rate of inflation you will see the U.S. economy is reminiscent of the 1930's. Any little thing could tip the scale and we could find ourselves in far worse condition than our current situation. Dr. housing Bubble is reporting on the state of California and shows some 40% of Millennials, aged 18-34, are currently living with the parents. How can the housing market be anything but a bubble when the "up-and-comers" are sitting idle? If this group of young adults are not entering the housing market it makes it much harder for people to sell their "starter home" and move to their "forever home".
A record number of young people are living at home with mom and dad in California even in the midst of a very low unemployment rate and record in the stock market.  Millennials in particular are carrying large levels of debt and many are still struggling to get out into a rental, let alone purchasing a home.  There is a housing apocalypse for young Americans and in California, many Millennials are simply waiting until their baby boomer parents kick the bucket so they can own a piece of the California Dream.  But Taco Tuesday baby boomers are not going away and many are angry that their offspring are unable to buy a home like they did when housing wasn’t consumed by house horny buyers and prices were actually affordable.  The numbers are startling because when we brought attention to the issue a few years ago the number was at 2.3 million young adults living at home.  Today it is now up to 3.6 million – if we combined these people it would be the third largest city in the U.S. Young and living at home There was this “fake news” narrative that many young Americans would be the second wind that would keep the housing market going strong.  That never materialized.  What did happen is that you had investors, foreign money, and wealthier older households buying the slim inventory available in the market.  In California where rent prices are high and housing prices on crap shacks are insane, many are simply living at home. And yes, this time it is different when it comes to young people living at home: california living at home Source:  Cal Matters, Back in 1980 20 percent of young Californians lived at home.  It was actually lower than the national number of 22 percent at that time.  Even in 2005 the state and national figures were similar.  But fast forward to today and you have nearly 40 percent of young Californians living at home versus 34 percent nationwide.  Make no mistake though, this is a national trend.
My guess is this same scenario applies to most, if not all, major metropolis' around the country. Which begs the question, who exactly is buying all the houses that are currently changing hands? The housing market in middle Tennessee is on fire and the lack of inventory is driving prices to the moon. The housing inflation in and around Nashville is running at approximately 30+% annually! If not a lot higher! We know the Canadian housing bubble is being fueled by, primarily, Chinese investors looking to park their yuan outside the country. Canada has just put a "tax" on foreign money buying homes. This has cooled the market a little, but if you are looking to move investment money what is another 15% or so to protect your wealth? Would you rather lose 15% today or a lot more tomorrow? With good paying jobs gone forever and most manufacturing, along with a great many other industries, moving to AI, robotics and automation this current trend of young adults being hosed is going to continue. You can not support a family as a waiter or bartender. You can support a family or purchase a home as a retail clerk. You can not support a family or purchase a home driving for Uber. Oh that's right Uber is working on driverless cars right now, so, good luck with that creating any income within the next ten years. It may be a good idea for people to begin following their passion and attempting to create an income outside traditional channels. The traditional channels are drying up or closing down and in todays world most traditional channels will not support any upward mobility.
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Rory??? Is it you bro? Omg its been a long time!

Remember when i was writing u avout how crypto could help us and that bitshares is only one wity seoarations of power built in?

It's me!! I haven't been posting on here because of the problems Steemit has with their algorithms. they can't seem to understand my original work is my original work!!!

Still not a big fan of cryptocurrencies - I'm in the same camp as Catherine Austin-Fitts - bitcoin, in particular, has built the prototype for the criminal banking scum to force us into a cashless society.

Great post!
You made some really good points.
As society pushes for automation the economy will only get worse. Robots or (AI) do not buy houses or cars, food or clothes, they don't even pay taxes. So with less things needed more people will lose their jobs and government, with less taxes, won't be able to function. So I have to say the future does not look very bright in that regard.

As far as the housing situation, I think home prices will fall by 30 to 50% during the next economic downturn, which I believe will start by the end of the year. I think it has already started in some parts of the country. So the lucky few that will still have jobs MIGHT be able to afford a home in the near future.
Just some thoughts on your GREAT post!

thanks, jeepjk13!! Appreciate the kind words. Our economy is toast and is barely hanging on by printed-out-of-thin-air Federal Reserve Note. Once the BRICS, SCO and EEU have had their fill of the criminals in Washington DC and on Wall Street - it will be lights out.