Has The Fed Used The Same Tactic To Fool The People Again? - Episode 1337a

in economy •  7 years ago 

As the Greek crisis continues to spiral downward, the housing market gets hit and value of homes decline dramatically. Rental growth declines, following a similar pattern in 2007 going into the 2008 recession.

Philly Fed slumps. Corporate media reports that to many Americans are purchasing homes they can't afford, it begins. ECB is ready to push stimulus if the economy starts to decline and falter.

The central banks know that the collapse is headed our way, this is why they are prepared with stimulus. The Fed, like they have done in the past has fooled the American people, they will be rising rates, to bring down the economy.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am ready, thanks to x22report

I live in Sydney Australia, and the effects of the economy are really showing. Power prices are 2x the ammout of anywhere else in the world and continue to increase, huge amout of layoffs in various industries. (Including mine, and I am happy I have a job at the moment!)

We see the government continue to 'waste' money on various projects with funds that dont belong to them further increasing our national debit.

Housing prices are though the roof. The average price in Sydney is sitting around that 1million AUD mark or 600k fora 2br appartment making it impossible for anyone under 35 to get into the market and buy. People in the market are happy that there house price is increasing, but not understanding that the value of the dollar is decreasing rapidly. I think its going to be a big wakeup call! Lets see, I could go on about the problems in Australia but its not that different from the USA.



We can peacefully crush the bankers by moving away from their ponzi printing fiat scheme. Viva the crypto revolution! Great report!

Bitcoin to the moon... I just wish I had more money to start with. Sadly I couldn't re mortgage my house to buy bitcoin on monday. :(


Great post, please do me a favour. i will follow you, resteem and upvote everyday while you do same to me.

Crypto is the answer

And realizing that money isn't real..it's all virtual units created on a general ledger.

This is what "moral hazard" is all about. If the fed keeps buying bad debt off of the the banks, the banks will keep lending to anyone with a pulse and their pets. The banks must be allowed to go broke or this insanity will continue. The banks should have all been allowed to go broke in 2009. The debt bomb has only multiplied as a result of the bailout, TARP.

If they could be audited it would blow our minds on the complete waste and shafting of the citizens.

The older you get, the more you learn how much lies we are being told.

Please keep on sharing this kind of information, and please do it on a decentralised network!

We will unveil the truth to the world if we work together!!

I will follow you, looking forward to your next post..

Same tactic. Stimulus program to cover truth. Printing of money to delay eventual collapse. Such a travesty. Our currency is being destroyed. We need to wake up and get better informed.

Just signed up not too long ago and was glad to find you. All the work that is done to get the truth out is much appreciated. A lot of people are still unaware of the things going on before our very eyes, (which you've been reporting on for years) but as they begin to feel it constrict their daily lives more and more, they'll be in search of answers. Thanks Dave!

Cryptography will change the world :-) no worries

Yeah steem will replace USD in couple years.😂



When Nixon closed the "gold window" back in 1971, precious metals stood alone as the only defense against the rampant inflation that followed. (Don't believe me? In 1970, my father took out a life insurance policy on himself for $5,000, which at the time for him was one year's wage! Today that's a MacBook Pro and a couple iPhone 7's!!!).

Anyway, the Banksters figured out how to compromise those markets and PMs have been relatively ineffective.

Cryptos will allow us to go back on the OFFENSIVE!

Banksters must now fight a 2 front war!

PMs and Cryptos! VICTORY!!!!!

Great comment. PM's were the fight against hyper inflation as you said until the powers at be gained control.

Now cryptos are leading the way. I think we might find that PM's will follow the path cryptos are making up the rear as support, once they can break free from the paper shackles.

Cryptos and precious metals, what a potent one-two punch!

The government and the fed been scammin us all our lives lol

Добрый день пользователи Steemit !В такой ситуации такие явления естественные , в нашей стране так же во время кризиса снижаются цены на недвижимость.

Good day Steemit users! In such a situation, such phenomena are natural, in our country, during the crisis, property prices are also declining.

Thank you for the update

Governments have failed in many countries with their lame policies. Recession everywhere. Surprisingly, they are fighting the hope of common people, cryptocurrency.

Dave is the man and X22 Report is the show hands down great show.

What a shame we must live this way... where is the humanity like we can let it continue. Great post keep up the good work!

These rotting old people will have to handle our next financial crisis. It'll be a combination of comedy and sheer horror as they tackle this inevitable train wreck.

thanks for share

i work also for the govt.... housing sector.... but we are establish to provide housing for every members.... and we are living with that principle....

we administer a sustainable fund with integrity, sound financial principle and social responsibility....

i still believe in value of social responsibility.... even im working for the govt.... im giving my best to serve the community....

Thanks Dave good report, that picture makes me scared.

This is scary shit.
Thanks for the report. You're doing great work by making people aware.
They fucking made a movie about the whole 2008 collapse. "The Big Short"
But still many people have this undying faith in governments.. It's sad.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Really need to see this 'economic collapse' sooner (finally) rather than later (get it overwith after all these years) - certainly no later than the end of this year.

great post!
thank you very much