Why do we see so much depression in the world, and to what extent is the negative media responsible for it? - Ecotrain Question of the Week

in ecotrain •  6 years ago  (edited)

This week the @ecotrain are discussing a very important question, and one which we have nearly all be touched by either directly or indirectly. Depression is a unique feature of human effect, and one that we almost never see in nature or in other animals.. I mean, when did you ever see a horse lye down and just sit there looking sad all day? When did a dog not wag its tail in utter joy when was running around a field? We are unique in that we have the ability to overcome our instincts, and act in ways that defy our natural tendencies. Why do approximately 20 percent of teens experience depression before they reach adulthood? Between 10 to 15 percent of teenagers have some symptoms of depression at any one time. That is a pretty high figure, and it is not really obvious why this is so.

So let us start with the media! Is the media the cause of our depressive tendencies, or is it one of many effects? It is clear to anyone who does read the news that they portray a world in a very negative light, and from what I can see that trend has only gotten worse of the last decade. Our news feeds seem to be an endless stream of horrifying and desperate stories and images. This can not be good for our general outlook and view of the world, and to some extent at least we have to realise that it is not good for us. But does it cause the depression we see in the world? It is interesting to note that us humans do have a tendency and affinity to negative news. We are indeed hardwired to see red and be attracted to warning signals, and that is definitely the case when 'choosing' which news articles we want to read. A few years ago in the UK a positive tabloid newspaper called the 'New Day' was launched to try to address this, whereby they focused on positive stories. That newspaper lasted just a few short months before being canceled outright. They could not even give this paper away! So perhaps the media is just giving us what we want, because all they really care about is selling their paper, and if we all demanded positive news I'm sure they would deliver! So what is going on here, and why do we seem to crave negative news, and how is this connected to the depression we see in the world? Like begets like, and our obsession with reading negative news may just be a reflection of our inner state. Anyone who is in a bad mood or feeling down does not want to read positive news, because it just makes us feel worse! We may indeed want to read terrible stories so that we can take comfort in knowing that there are others who are much worse of than ourselves, and in some strange human way that brings us comfort.

So why then do we see so much depression in the world? If you read any general theories on this you will end up with reasons like we are genetically destined to be depressed. People who have been abused either physically or emotionally are very likely to suffer depression. If you are very ill or suffer intense pain then again depression is a likely result. BUT not everyone who has suffered loss, or abuse are depressed! There are many who have suffered incredible hardships, and yet they are able to shine their light and be happy. So is there something else that stands in the way of people living joyful and balanced lives? Is there something that makes people pull back from the world and do things that are not good for them. I have read several posts on this question of the week, and one theme that keeps on coming up is that we are responsible for our depression, and our choices are a big part of it. Do we choose to eat well and nurture our bodies, or do we succumb to eating junk food instead of prana filled fresh fruits and vegetables. I can say without any doubt that eating well can change our mental state quite dramatically, and have to admit that to some extent just changing your diet can bring amazing result. BUT, is craving and eating junk food just another symptom of depression? Sure, eating well can improve our mood and general health, but is that just a bandage on a deeper problem that continues to haunt and hold us back? After much thought, I would like to share with you what I think our depression is really about.

There are many things in this world that upset me, and it is fair to say that I have been depressed on and off for most of my life. There have however been several times that my depression has lifted for weeks, months and even years. Looking back I can see the common link, and what it was that really lifted my mood, what it was that gave me what I really need and what deep down we all crave. Sometimes that answer is so simple that we miss it, and I believe that this is the case with depression.


We live in a selfish world, where it's every person for themselves. There are very few countries or societies that really look after each other to the extent that people can feel safe and supported. The family unit is something that is treasured in many cultures today, especially in developing countries like India, China, Africa, and others. The people in these countries still live today with very tight family bond, and they look after each other come what may. A great example of this is a hospital that I have visited a few times in rural India. When my friends have been ill and had to stay there I was initially shocked to learn that they had absolutely no food to offer people staying there! At first I couldn't believe it, because my friend was really hungry and they literally had nothing to offer him! In the end we had to visit him every day and bring him food and whatever he needed. I'm sure by now you can guess why!? This is because the family unit is SO strong in rural India that it goes without saying that a family member would be by their side the whole time, and that their family would be cooking and brining them their favorite home cooked food! Let's contrast that with the UK, where hospitals may not even allow you to bring food in, but instead permit and even promote the sale of food and items that are famous for being pretty terrible. Not only that but our capitalist, every man for himself, system even allows hospital shops to sell items at ludicrous prices and basically rip people off.. Just last week there was a big furor at a leading UK hospital store WH SMITH for charging £8 Pounds ($10) for a tube of toothpaste! That is around 900% more than it should be. This is disgusting, and just one small example of how people in the world are not only unsupported but also preyed on, even when in their most vulnerable state.

Now, let me get right to the point to crystallize this. Depressed people are often incredibly lonely! Never before have so many children been left unattended or home alone whilst both father and mother go to work. Never before have so many people lived alone. The family unit is in crisis! Never before have we ignored and pushed our aging society into oblivion without any care, love or respect. We are communal beings, and being a part of a family unit or community is vital to our well being. Those times when I have been the most happy have always been when I have been with others in supportive way. Anyone who has tried any kind of group therapy such as Louise Hay, The Landmark Forum, Alcoholic Anonymous etc. will know how important being heard, nurtured and supported is. We can endure the hardest challenges in life when we have the support and love of the people around us. We need this nurturing on a fundamental level, and without it we basically waste away into oblivion. If we don't have this supportive network then in my opinion we have to push and struggle SO hard to just keep our head above water. We can make all the right decisions, eat well, get out, do exercise, read all the positive news in the world, chant, meditate, etc. but that is always a patch on a deeper problem.

We must fundamentally have our human needs fulfilled in order to be happy and healthy people. Many of us do not even realise the importance of community and support to our happiness, and so I would like to invite anyone who really is struggling in life or depressed to focus on this. Forget about all the other things people tell you, and work towards building real nurturing friendships and connections in life. Go out and volunteer your time to help others. Try chatting to people you meet in a cafe. Visit your family more often and when you do see if there is something you can do for them. When you give in this way, you get back 1000x what you give, and there is no price you can put on the sense of inner fulfillment you will receive. Having a pet such as a dog or cat is an amazing way to have our deepest desires fulfilled. Dog lovers will know the constant joy and happiness they bring because of that bond. The bond between a pet and its owner is precious, and in many cases far stronger than between their own family! We need to be connected and deeply bonded in trust to stand a chance of leading a life without depression. We need to know that someone has our back, and we need someone to care for. WE need to know that when we grow old we won't be cast out to an old age home never to be seen again. Our capitalist system pushes us in the diametric opposite direction to our fundamental human nature and needs, and that is why I pray for the day that our current paradigm changes and changes fast! This is why I dream of building and living in a supportive off-grid community. We need each other. We NEED to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We NEED an intimate bond with each other and the world so that we can truly become a part of it. That is why the world is depressed!


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Nice post Alex! We do need companionship, us humans. :-)

and one that we almost never see in nature or in other animals..

I have seen it all the time in animals. It is just that in animals, it is usually terminal.

Never before have we ignored and pushed our aging society into oblivion without any care, love or respect.

Well, never before have we thrown the kids out at 18. Never before have we left kids at home to fend for themselves. The baby boomer generation was the first that parents tried to continue living their pre-child patterns. And their neglect has come around to bite them in the ass.

And then social welfare allowed women to get pregnant from all the bad boys without facing the dire consequences of that, and thus ... we don't have a bunch of dead-beat dads, we have a bunch of father's who would never have stayed in the first place, chosen by women.

So, we do not have a family nor a community any more. And, as you say, no emotional support.

Now, none of these is the cause of depression, but they all play a factor.

Depression is caused by poor health, or in the same terms, poor emotions. In our society, depression is caused by unresolved trauma and the lack of completing the grieving process.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for your inputs as always! Trauma is a reason for depression, but not the leading cause i think. Most american kids have not suffered trauma but they are often depressed.. i think due to lack of parental nurture and insufficient bonding with family members

I think differently. Being raised without a father is a very serious trauma, called abandonment.
Everyone i have helped with depression has always turned out to be some unresolved trauma.

interesting.. me same.. lost my dad at 3 months age.. he died very young.. nevertheless.... i can think of a very many cases where that is very much not the case! most depressed kids with 2 parents are depressed for the reasons i have stated.. rather than trauma.. unless you count emotional abandonment.. which is a similar thing...

Yes, i count emotional abandonment as trauma. And it is one of the worst, because you don't have anything solid to point to.

This is even more exacerbated when you have a child of a narcissist. Where, the child is emotionally abandoned, of often emotionally tormented, but to the outside, the parent has always been there and seems to be nice enough.

yeah m x wife can tell you ALL about that..
well then I agree with you because emotional abandonment is the same as lacking real nurturing relationships.. or being alone..

sorry life has been so rough <3

Thank you for sharing your insight on the QOTW. I admire your openess and honesty. It is so true that we have been detached from a sense of community and sadly it is something that has been growing for many years. I often question whether in our quest to improve civilisation we have lost our instinct to support one another.
I like that you note, "We live in a selfish world, where it's every person for themselves. " and I do think in the last 10 years or so social media has contributed to that. Take for instance Instagram and Facebook where our worthiness is validated by how many likes we get. The interaction is gone and it feels like a giant popularity contest.
There are exceptions to the rule and it is possible to find people in this world who value community and others for who they are.

thanks for this.. and for SURE there are exceptions thank god.. and Steemit is one big one!

GREAT response Alex.

With Dad in hospital at the mo, we really notice someof the patients that were utterly alone. Its so sad. We are really blessed we are such a strong unit and it made him so happy to have lots of friends call and visit. My partner suffers.more as he came from the UK and none of his mates are here and its harder.to make friends as you get older. Hes more introverted too so its more difficult for him to connect. Im lucky to have my yoga tribe. Communities are a good way to ward off depression and we do feel happier after a weekend with friends or family.

Anyone who is in a bad mood or feeling down does not want to read positive news, because it just makes us feel worse!

I would slightly disagree.. my mother in law, in times of crisis, loves to talk about people orse off than her to put her own woes in perspective.. bless her 😄

Good point"Depression is a unique feature of human effect, and one that we almost never see in nature or in other animals.. " you say right here media biases responsible for depression there is too much website just like facebook where girl are blackmail and at that case depression creat.

but they were very helpful at that time..

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You've touched on something really, really important here, Alex. Real, meaningful connections are crucial. Can the lack of them send us into depression? I'm not sure, but it's got to be a solid contributing factor, and it has to be meaningful connections. You can see from the string of celebrity suicides that being surrounded by people means absolutely jack shit. I certainly think it has to be a significant factor in bringing us out of depression. It's been proven that it is also a contributing factor for alcoholism.

Thanks so much for this question. This has been incredibly cathartic for me. Much love to you, and I hope you're feeling a lot better. I, too, am very much craving community. Surely it's coming soon.