Sugar Free Challenge - Day Two

in ecotrain •  7 years ago 

This morning I slipped up with my sugary nemesis - coffee creamer. And I didn’t think too much of it since I figured I would just try harder the rest of the day… but it had an unexpected consequence.

This afternoon I had a doctors appointment for my yearly physical. I figured it would just be the generic questions and check up, but my nurse looked back at my record and decided it would be a good idea to check my cholesterol level (slightly high during last appointment). She asked if I had eaten and I replied no; I only had a cup of coffee. Then she asked if I had drank it with cream or sugar and sheepishly I answered yes! Darn! We were unable to check my cholesterol because she felt the added sugar could change the result.

Now this wasn’t a big deal at all because we had not even been planning on doing this test in the first place - normally I would be notified of any requirements before an appointment (don’t eat, drink water, etc). But if only I had stuck to my challenge, I would have been able to check up on my cholesterol instead of having to wait until next time!

That’ll teach me to stick to my word!

Other than that I had a great day. I avoided sugar as much as I could and snacked on more frozen fruit when the craving hit! Lunch was simply leftover enchiladas and I managed to get a bit of work done before a quick dinner of hotdogs.

After dinner I had a bit of time to reflect and I noticed how cyclical both positivity and negativity can be. The more junk I eat, the worse I feel, and the less motivation I have. With less motivation comes the temptation to make more bad choices. But while making healthier choices, I feel better about myself and more inclined to make better choices!

I can’t wait to see what I learn tomorrow!

Photography from Pexels and used under the CC0 license.

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That cyclical experience is one I share. I go through bouts of good behaviour and bouts of bad. I hope it evens out in the end or that the good ones gain the overall upper hand some day.

Sadly, I never have a day that I do not think about what I eat. I so understand!

Like @frugallady i have my ups and downs. Yesterday I was fasting and ended up with a whopper headache without any sugar. My husband said is was the stress from my article. He is the sweetest guy! I had to tell someone! LOL why not here!
I hope your day is chuck full of love and happiness! oh and will power!

thanks for sharing this, its really helpful to me! im struggling right now to eat well since my partner is not here and im too busy and stressed and keep comfot eating.. your final paragraph is so important that we have to break this cycle.. thank you!

If you want something sweet in your coffee without the guilt, I would recommend xylitol. It's technically a sugar alcohol, but metabolizes completely differently than sugar with a low glycemic index (12). Plus it is is good for your teeth!