Gratitude Challenge Day 2: Grateful for my Life

in ecotrain •  6 years ago 

I have been nominated for the #7daypositivitychallenge by the lovely @trucklife-family who is one of my most favorite people on all of steemit. If you haven’t checked out her posts, you are so missing out. She is an incredibly heart-filled, loving mama who is all about encouraging us to love and appreciate ourselves and our amazing, beautiful bodies. Yes, I’m going to keep that paragraph for all seven days!

I mentioned yesterday in my Day 1 post of being grateful for gratitude that sometimes it’s good for these to be simple. Sometimes we are really glad for very simple things. At some points that is because that’s all I can muster. I just can’t see farther than that. At other times the simple things are the most beautiful. That is the case for today’s gratitude.

Today my heart is glad for …

My life

If you’ve never been in a sweat lodge before, it’s basically just a big festival of gratitude, at least that was my experience with my teachers. "I am so grateful for my life" was pretty much the first prayer from each person. Here we sit in this extraordinarily beautiful planet surrounded by truly amazing people, plants, and animals. Our bodies are absolutely a wonder to behold. Every day synapses firing, cells growing and multiplying, blood flowing, oxygen and nutrients feeding us, getting rid of the things we don’t need because it magically knows the difference somehow. The growth and birth of a baby?! Holy cow! It’s a miracle babies are born. Every. Single. Time. So many things can go wrong. To have this beautiful body that has magically birthed and fed four beautiful humans and breathe air on this magnificent planet is a gift beyond measure.

Even more so because I haven’t always felt that way. The last week has been a humdinger for depression talk. I don’t know much of anything about either of the two people who took their lives, but I do know about depression, and every time this happens, I feel the stab in my heart and the pain of a fallen fellow comrade. It hurts even when I don’t know them because I know what it feels like to want to die, and it is so horribly sad when anyone can’t find their way to the other side of that. It’s gut wrenching. And I can just feel all the shitstorm that goes along with all of it. The guilt, the shame, the self loathing, the intolerable devastating sadness. It’s tragic.

I never tried to end my life. I just spent a lot of time praying for it to end, hoping that something would swiftly and painlessly put an end to the suffering. Hoping that one day I just wouldn’t wake up. I believed everyone would be better off without me here because I was such a bummer to be around. I was both miserable and angry. I couldn’t see the beauty of my life anymore. I didn’t really want to do much of anything. I didn’t want to see the beauty of the world, and I sure as shit didn’t want to talk to anyone. Now, I know I’m supposed to keep this post positive, and we’re getting back there so be patient because having been in this place is what helps me to see how truly beautiful it all is. Without our pain and challenges, we would never truly see the magnificent perfection and, indeed, how those moments allowed us to stand where we are right here in this now moment.

Now, in an effort to keep this going in a positive direction, I’d like to talk about the things that helped me out of my depression and brought me back to being grateful for my life. I want to be really, really clear here that these are what helped me, and they may not be what helps others. It is important to remember that each person and situation is totally unique. That said, I think it’s really great for all of us to have a bigger tool box of things we can try when the darkness sets in.

  • As I talked about yesterday, I believe my daily gratitude list kept me from falling into the abyss.
  • I think my daily meditation practice helped in the same way. It didn’t bring me out, but I think it probably kept me alive.
  • Communicating with others about where I was at. For me this made all the difference in the world. Once I was able to see and acknowledge where I was and talk about that with others, it shifted things dramatically for me. I’m not sure why, but it really helped.
  • Commitment. As I mentioned in my post the other day on commitment, this was another key turning point for me. I made a commitment to my son and myself to stay here on this earth and stop wishing for death.
  • Community/tribe/friendships. This is something that made a huge difference for my son. I didn’t have really any kind of community or tribe when I was in my worst depression and really not very many friends. My sense is that it would have helped a lot. I believe my steemit community played a very helpful role in pulling me out of my last depression, though it wasn’t a particularly dark one. I didn’t even necessarily need to talk about it with this community. It just helps to be surrounded by so many loving and supportive people.
  • Writing. This is another critical piece for me. Writing about where I’m at and what I’m feeling helps in a similar way to communicating. It gets some of the poison out of me it seems.

Sometimes I really need my pod!

So, these are some of the things that help me. What is it that helps you or any loved ones you know who struggle with depression? I hope you’ll share your strategies so we can all try new things. Of course we all know what works for one person may or may not work for another, but to find my way back to being grateful for my life, I am always willing to try a new strategy.

Today I nominate @mumma-monza

Much love, y’all!

As always, all pics are mine or pixabay unless otherwise noted.


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I was actually thinking of nominating you today! Then I thought, nah let me do that for the next one.... And voila! I find you are on day 2!

Wow, I like your honest and raw approach. It is really a daily practice and to make it such that it is just an essential part of living to keep at it.

It's amazing when I go about reading posts from all over the world, we are all so very much alike. It's heartwarming, to see most of us sorta belong to the same sort of tribe, with similar virtues.

Much love beautiful momma

Yeah, I feel like pretty much everyone has already been tagged on this one, but that's ok cause it's a really, really good one. It has definitely become a crucial practice for me. I have definitely found my tribe on Steemit. So many beautiful people on here.

Much love to you too!

;) xx

I am one day away from finishing this challenge and I thought of tagging you as well ;0) Beautiful post!

Thank you! I love this challenge!

Gratitude is the key to happiness! Such a beautiful post my dear!! Much love to you!

Thank you! Much love right back to you, beautiful!

Very grateful that you shared that with us. thank you...really lovely to connect with such a fab person xx

Thank you for those sweet words. Really appreciate it.

Motherhood really is something magical to be celebrated. I like the 6 things you listed to help you through depression . Commitment and creativity strike a chord with me. When I had PN D the thought of not being there for my child was what kept me going. When I am feeling sad I also write poetry or play the piano or guitar.

Thank you for sharing another beautiful gratitude post. 💖

I'm glad that resonated for you. I actually got to a point in my depression where I felt like my kids would be better off without me, but I was still hesitant to leave them. So glad for that now. Creativity is crucial. I'm not sure where I'd be without writing. Thank you for your sweet words.

This is so beautiful. Being thankful about life itself is one huge thing to be thankful about. Always love reading something from you @solarsupermama :) Would be reading a lot more from you since you are on this challenge!!! Your commitment and will to come out of depression is very inspiring. You are a really powerful woman <3

Thank you so much for your kind words! It's not easy to come out of depression but so much better than getting stuck in it!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing. Yes, sharing helps me too when I feel depressed, just to get the pressure off. Good tips. I'll look up your first post about your gratitude list, that sounds interesting. I usually start feeling better when I fully accept that I feel totally shit. That sounds like a contradiction I know, but I usually try to stay on top of it and then the tention just keeps building, once I allow all the sadness to flow, that's what it does. It just flows and before I know it it will have flown out of my system and I can breath again.
Meditation is for me also a maintenance thing and sometimes it gets me out of my usually short depressions but usually it will be an emotional shift by managing my emotions. I wrote about it in this post: if you're interested.

Yes, yes! So true for me also! Acknowledging where I am at is absolutely the first step. I need to write my emotions post, and then I will read! I always like to write first to keep my head clear, but I'm excited to see what you have to say.
