My Children Unleashing Their Power Into The World

in ecotrain •  6 years ago  (edited)


I have often thought about writing down some of the things my children have said or still say, sometimes it blows me away what they come out with, sometimes it has me in stitches. But I haven't done it so far, I wish I had, but hey now I can write it on the blockchain and here it will stay, nice that.

Yesterday I was in my parents house, me and my three girls were all in the bathroom while my two eldest were washing themselves. We were just chatting about what we had been doing and also talking about visiting my sister, their aunt for the final time before we go back to Spain. My girls tell me they love me all the time, as I do them. Love flows freely between us all. So when my eldest told me she loved me, I fired back that I loved her too. But then she looked and me and said

I Love Sinead more, because she needs my love, my love is going to make her better.

Sinead is of course my sister and that comment just floored me, it had me in tears, the happy ones. My second daughter then said

I'm going to love her more and I'm going to keep thinking of her well, with no tubes in her back and with all her hair and she'll get all better.

They were so excited by what they had said and about the fact that their love was going to help her get better. I was totally overwhelmed and so proud of them both. I felt like they had just given my sister a huge gift, given her so much healing, showering her with love.

I have been very open abut my sister and her healing journey, my family in Ireland where a little unsure whether or not I should tell them everything, but of course I do. They have every right to know and children have these amazing ability to see things for what they really are. They are so amazing at how they manage their emotions and express themselves, that anything that we consider being full on, they can accept a lot quicker and move on. We rarely give them the credit that they deserve for their ability to navigate themselves through their lives, often trying to protect them from things that we think they can not handle. But in reality we are projecting our fears and uncertainties on to them. Being truthful is so important, I want my children to be able to talk to me, I want to know how they are feeling and that goes both ways. We can not expect to want so much from our children if we are not willing to share ourselves with them.

Of course there is the need for personal space on both sides, that is something that is so important. But with open and honest communication that is established. My eldest who is still only 9 has no problems telling me that she wants some time by herself and also if she does not want to discuss something with me. I accept that, I trust that in her own time that she will come to me if she needs to. That's another huge thing, trust, how can we expect any if we don't trust them first.

If I need some time by myself, I will tell my two eldest that I do, I used to feel guilty until I realized how important it is to advocate the need to take time for yourself. Our children follow our lead so much, so by us practising self care, it is enforcing that need, it is normalizing it. Hopefully when they are older they will have no problems taking time out for themselves.

So this post was to be all about what our children say, but when we write, sometimes other things come out. Sometimes one spark inspires a load more. That is what I love about writing.

I am still blown away by what my girls said. Writing it now makes me teary again. Their capacity for healing and love is so amazing. They really just fill my heart, my love just overflows for them. The power of love. The power of words indeed. What a gift they have unleashed.

I would love to know what things your children say, that blow you away, that inspire you?

My children inspire me so much, I feel so lucky to be their mother and I love the journey I am on with them and the adventures that they take me on.

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Greetings, dear @ trucklife-family. I like the close relationship you have with your daughters and I understand that the emotion of the moment varies the terms of what you want to express. I think that that has to be clarified to the girls in due course. Love is not fickle, love is "without measures". Wanting more or wanting less should not be conditioned by an emotion or momentary perception. They must understand that their love for you does not fluctuate, it simply is. That they want to saturate their aunt with love, seeking healing, is splendid and talks about the great work you have done as a mother. However, that has nothing to do with what they feel towards you, not because they should love you more or want less, you should simply clarify that if they love their aunt more than before due to the circumstance they are living, but she is her , you are you and love is so great that it is not limited to anyone and they should understand this unconditional love. Thank you or share what you are living that, somehow goes out of the way.

Hi @zeleiracordero it's really nice to have you drop by, thank you for your lovely feedback, my girls have such a natural understanding of love, it is untouched by any and so pure in it's form, I believe that they have a much better understanding of love than us really, to them love is limitless and free, they see their love as healing and they want to direct lots of that healing love at their aunty. xx

This is sweet. I don't have children of my own yet and I can't wait to have one so I can experience something like this.

thank you @ameaningfullife x

Children are awesome at sharing their love. They have so much to give. I think it is truly beautiful that they wish for their love to help the aunt heal. My husband and I always shared with our children. I think it helps them cope better than a big lie or hidden secrets and when the truth does come out it is a horrible surprise that they then have to cope with. Children are keen observers and will know when something is not right.

yes they are @cacicastor and they are so aware more so than us sometimes, much love to you and your family xx

You are so lucky to have duch beautiful kids, and this is such a testament to your love for them too and how your raise them. What a beautiful thing, to give live like that. I totally agree honesty is important. I would always tell my boy what i was going through so he felt secure.. he hated uncertainty and i lived a life of uncertainty... so by explaining it to him as best i knew how meant he grew up feeling secure. My sister told her kids about Dads cancer and they askef if Granddad would be okay. My bro in law honestly answered that at that time we werent sure.. and that everyone dies. The kids were sad but okay. Because the wotse thing you can do is hide the reality of life from them. Passing love to your sister too.

thank you @riverflows, honesty is so important and it really is necessary if we want them to respect us, too many people try to protect their children from the wrong things, it always seems to be about what is natural. I hope you are doing okay, much love to you beautiful xx

What an incredible mom you are to have raised such loving, aware, insightful girls!!! Awesome job. And a beautiful, reflective post. Sending healing light to your sister.

Thanks so much @artemislives for your beautiful words, it is a short post but one that is full of love xx

awe beautiful .. kids can handle hard times so well.. better than we realise yes.. so wonderful how they create a perfect health vision or Sinead. lovely to read how you related with your kids in such a healthy way..

i haven't got kids yet.. but when they do ill come back here and let you know what they say! ;-)

Thanks so much @eco-alex, you'll make an awesome dad one day xx

Its wonderful that your girls still share their inner feelings with you without fear. I've got 2 boys - 13 & 9 and I only wish that as they grow up they will still continue to share their deep feelings with me.

thank you @ireenchew

Great post, following.

Thanks for the post, trucklife-family.

I hope you don't mind that I'm testing my bot on your post. My bot runs through hundreds of posts per day selecting a small percentage of posts that have exceptional positivity.

Your post was selected because it has a high concentration of words that give feel-good vibes. My bot and I would like to thank you for creating content that focuses on the bright side.

That's fine @jackson.kontny, you're very welcome

Such beautiful things your daughters said. Yes, some of the things that come out of my boy's mouth just blow me away. x

cheers Sam I can imagine xx

Children are amazing arent they. Their understanding of basic humanity and love is just incredible!

They really are amazing @corrielaine x

They are pure love in human shape and form sometimes. This brought chills down my spine and tears to my eyes. Much love to you and to them 💚💚💚

thanks so much @zen-art, they really blew me away xx

That's beautiful... kids do say the darnest things in all of their innocence.
Thank you for sharing @trucklife-family... and on the blockchain it will stay :)

Yes indeed @kaerpediem it is really nice to know that one day they can read about this and understand how amazing they are xx

Oh so beautiful gorgeous mama and lady, you have just made my heart on fire of love with your words and the words your kids said to you. Thank you for sharing this with us. My little boy is still to small to speak this way, but he is great in showing his love with wet kisses and tight hugs. And how excited he is when he sees my breast when we want to drink, lol, that is really funny and I love to show him my love with kisses and well, and words of appreciation. One other fun thing atm with him is that is really cant bear me and my partner kissing each other or hugging. Even if my partner just touches me, he gets jealous, haha. But we try to explain to him, that we all love him as much as we love each other.
Much love to you, and your family!

thank you beautiful mama, all my girls were the same, esp my youngest now, she will worm her way in between me and my partner, it is natural as they really see themselves as being a part of you still until they turn 2 and from there they start to realize that they are actually a separate being from you, the understanding will come in time xx

The children are wonderful. I have always said they are full of good vibes, magic is great. And it's amazing how they are able to handle many times better than humans.