Seek enlightenment to reach the dream

in education •  6 years ago 

Education is very important for humans because it can create quality human beings, intellectual and far from ignorance. The State has regulated the right of every Indonesian citizen to receive education as a means of improving the quality of his life that is the Constitution Article 28 C paragraph 1 and 2 and Article 31 paragraph 1 and 2 (read: Rights and obligations of citizens in the 1945 Constitution)


Although education is very important because now we have entered into Globalization and the State has arranged the right of every Indonesian citizen to get education, not a few who argue even believe that education is not important in this life, it is because they have reasons, among others because:

Feeling a loss because education costs money
There is no time for education
Better to work, because work is making money
The low awareness that makes the "principle" that education is not important
Losses for not getting education:

Can not read, write and count
No experience
Be lazy
Easily influenced to commit a crime
Be unemployed
Being left behind in social life
Poor science and treasures
Being a public waste, etc.
An educated or knowledgeable man is different from an uneducated or illiterate man. We can distinguish it from the way we behave, speak, think and maintain our emotions. Below are some of the benefits of education are:

Giving science, understanding and experience is to provide information, improve science, help to understand the ever-evolving science, and provide experience for the provision in doing the job well.
Developing talents is a means to seek out and develop the Talent that God has bestowed upon each individual.
Shaping and improving the mindset Because As information grows, science and experience will certainly have an effect on improving the way of thinking, the ability to analyze and the power of imagination
Providing a good standard of living with the education of the ability to work was obtained and can continue to grow this will provide good employment and income
Building the nation because Individuals who get education get a well-formed personality, increased ability and knowledge, better job opportunities and income opportunities will help create a good generation.


Today the World has entered the Era of Globalization. The development of science and technology, social and culture are some of the characteristics of globalization in the world and their influence as well as some of the role of globalization in Indonesia so that ASEAN countries with a purpose to make agreement to increase the economic growth of ASEAN is the agreement of MEA (ASEAN Economic Community and AFTA) Member States as well as the benefits to the Indonesian economy, which is competition in obtaining employment not only with fellow citizens of Indonesia but also with foreigners who are allowed for a career in Indonesia, therefore Education is a primary need and also for our investment so that can work and develop in this Country.


In Indonesia there is the Education and Education Line to equip every Indonesian citizen. Here is the explanation

Educational Path
Education path is a vehicle / tool / means for learners to develop their own potential in an educational process that is in accordance with educational goals. Law number 20 year 2003 in article 13 paragraph 1 of the National Education System which reads "Education line consists of formal education, nonformal and informal that can complement and enrich". Under the Act, the Education Paths in Indonesia are:

Formal education is an education held in schools in general. Educational pathways that have a clear level of education, held in schools, ranging from formal early age education (read: The Importance of Early Childhood Education) namely Kindergarten (TK), Raudhatul Athfal (RA), primary education ie elementary , MI, SMP, MTs, secondary education ie SMA, MA, SMK, MAK, to higher education that is Diploma, Bachelor, Master, Specialist, Doctor. Structured education in Indonesia is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud). At this time all residents are required to join the 9-year compulsory education program, which is elementary school (SD) / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah for 6 years and Junior High School / Madrasah Tsanawiyah.
Non-formal education is off-formal education that serves as a formal education enhancer if the knowledge, skills and attitudes in formal education are considered insufficient, which can be implemented in a structured and tiered manner, mostly at an early age, such as TPA, or Education Park Al Quran, Sunday School, Non-formal Early Childhood Education, Course Institute, Training Institute, Course, Assembly Taklim, Play Group, Nature Lovers Group, Red Cross Youth Group etc.
Informal education is the path of family and environmental education that can be the basis for determining the character, habits and behavior of children in the future. examples of informal education are learning Improving the discipline of learning, learning the functions of tolerance in everyday life, learning how to improve the spirit of learning, learning ethics (read: ethical differences and etiquette and examples) Informal Education is as important as Formal and Nonformal Education
Type of Education In Indonesia


There are several types of education in Indonesia that are based on the specificity of educational objectives. Such as :

Public education is primary and secondary education that provides an extension of knowledge to pursue education to a higher education level. Forms: Primary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), and High School (SMA).
Vocational education is a secondary education that has a wide range of specialist specialties providing preparation by training students to work in a particular field. The form is Vocational High School (SMK).
Academic education is a stage that can only be passed after the general education (high school) or vocational education (SMK), Form of education is a graduate and postgraduate directed to the mastery of the discipline of a certain science.
Professional education is education after the undergraduate program that prepares students to enter a profession then become a professional in the field.
Vocational education is a higher education that directs students to have a job with a certain applied expertise maximal in Diploma 4 which is equivalent to Bachelor (Strata 1) program.
Religious education is basic, intermediate, and high education that prepares learners to be able to run a role that requires mastery of knowledge and experience of religious teachings and / or become a religious scholar
Special education is an educational program for learners with special needs or students with extraordinary intelligence held inclusively (joining regular schools) or exclusively (in the form of special educational units) at the primary and secondary education level (Special School / SLB ).


Benefits of Education in Human Resource Development In Indonesia

Pathways and Types of Education-Education that already exist in Indonesia is sufficient to equip all citizens in the career in this country, if the education has been taken properly. The level of education can affect a person's income because the level of education obtained can train a person to be productive in work.


The following are the Benefits of Education in Human Resource Development. Among others are:

Through Education every Indonesian Citizen can implement the Constitution Article 28 C paragraph 1 and 2 and Article 31 paragraph 1 and 2 and the opening of the fourth paragraph of the fourth paragraph that is "to educate the life of the nation"
Education plays a role to build people in carrying out socio-economic transformation according to the goals of the Indonesian nation
Education plays the role of human beings into productive forces
Education plays a role in socio-cultural change through the development of science, value adjustments and attitudes that support development
Education plays a role in making people in finding jobs and generating jobs.

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good history

Thank you for visiting my post @duque
send regards for success

Education is the power to change the world and build best of generation to the future.

It's good an article Mr. @bustaman

Have nice day!

The lamp of life, to obtain it requires sacrifice, the higher the science the wider the light can illuminate.
thanks friend @attydiallova
send regards for success.