Gender Equality Should Be A Priority For Education

in education •  4 years ago 

Education comes in many forms. From learning to how to crawl and walk to reading and writing then driving and working, education is something that is ever evolving and that most humans experience. Teachers are leaders who drive the force of humanity forward to advance all societies. For teachers in certain parts of the world they may teach their young the ways of their land and their specific role in society. For collectivistic cultures who value tradition and continuing their traditional roles, often elders are highly respected as teachers and the youth are learners of the elders. The youth obey and respect their teachers in this kind of society. Often in these types of societies, the role of gender plays a large part in how someone utilizes their education and the career path they may take. Women are frequently viewed as being in caretaker roles as nurses and teachers whereas men are encouraged to enter STEM fields and become innovators. Some types of societies encourage women to stay home and take care of their children instead of actually going out and finding a career. As societies advance in education and in their own social constructs, more women are deciding to enter various fields of work and bridging the gap of equality between men and women in the workforce.

Historically, women were forced to refrain from most types of formal education. Men were the first gender to learn how to read and write. By keeping women ignorant, men were able to dominate and control society from every facet. Men controlled the finances of the home, heir, and even in national economies. Aside from financial control, being the only ones with a formal education, they were able to conduct business meetings and communicate across militaries. Women were still forced to stay at home and care for the children while the men controlled everything that happened outside of the home. If a woman could read or had any type of education, she was considered somewhat of an outcast within her own community. As times progressed and more women chose to go against societal norms, they gathered the means to educate themselves and fight for their rights to an education.

As women gained more rights to their own education, it wasn’t long before the first female researchers began making revolutionary strides in their own respective fields. In the 20th century, more women began entering the technology field toward the later part of the century and became lead innovators beside their male counterparts for the upcoming technology-driven century. Although women make for outstanding educators and caregivers, they also deserve the right to an education in any field and the opportunity to participate and work for any job such as technical roles in top SEO Sydney agencies. Women are now closer than ever to bridging the gender gap in the workforce. Although developed countries have already made huge advancements in making this a societal priority, many undeveloped and poverty-stricken countries still struggle with the men being leaders and women remaining illiterate caretakers for the families. To create a solution to this global issue, it will take the work of men and women working together to foster a more equal playing field in the realm of educational rights.

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