Crisis of values?

in education •  6 years ago 


God created man with the original task of being good, but from the very beginning of creation, being made in his image and likeness disobeyed him (Genesis 1:26). Disobedience is an indiscipline that alludes mainly to compliance with established norms, particularly in the performance of a job, leading to a state of uprising, insubordination and rebellion that in the worst cases trigger feelings, actions and thoughts contrary to human principles.
Aggression, selfishness, disrespect, irresponsibility, lack of tolerance, lack of sensitivity, mercy, cooperation and love for others are some of the warning signs that are often exposed in today's society and without age or distinction. of social or economic factors, are detrimental to social coexistence and therefore world peace.
Many are the countries that are at war, not only because of the seizure of territory or natural wealth, but also because of religious, political and economic, techno-scientific and armamentist ideals, bringing with it the devastation of entire societies, death unjustified hundreds of innocent people, denigrating migrations, desolation, diseases, famine and a constant communication bombardment with terrorist messages that put the world's tranquility in anxiety; so it is confirmed that we are experiencing an era where the intrinsic values of human coexistence are weakened, notoriously affecting coexistence on the only planet that has been inhabited so far.
The current man in his desire to dominate and rediscover the world, fight against his fellowmen and the environment in favor of globalization, using illegal, dishonest and selfish mechanisms and procedures, thus weakening and through his personal actions the identity of entire societies, thus harming the future of future generations; On the other hand, the millenary cultures still in force and latent in our original people, maintain and respect the value for nature, their customs, rituals, intangible norms and love for their own, surpassing any apparent development desire, concentrating to live in harmony.
It could well be learned from indigenous people, from their way of life and everyday interrelations, in which it is not necessary to legitimize a written document to comply with the duty or seek legal advice for the solution of differences, on the contrary, its rules are so intrinsic that are far from any litigation, are consensual and assumed as a way of life, are transferred and endure from generation to generation, have a sacred character and are part of the daily education of their children.
In this same order of ideas, it seems counterproductive but it is real, the economic, scientific or technological development of a country does not determine the quality of its system of coexistence, on the contrary in some cases as a nation develops, the number increases of laws and thus the number of infractions, so it is understood that the deficiency in coexistence is not for lack of rules but for the breach of them, making it necessary to apply mechanisms, strategies and tools that regulate it.
The violation of norms of coexistence in the world is permanent news in printed media, radio and television; thanks to informative technology you can also be aware in real time about the events that different peoples are going through; which does not distinguish between developed or developing countries, so at the local level, specifically in Latin America, the reality is not so different from the rest of the world, although fortunately there have not been so far contemporary war records, but of events and situations that disturb peace in the region such as drug trafficking, guerrilla warfare, border conflicts, political retaliation, deprivation of liberty, abandonment and child abuse, drug addiction, promiscuity and discrimination.
In the midst of the diversity of thoughts, behaviors and patterns of human behavior, it is necessary to use and apply rules that regulate coexistence, where all are promoters of a climate of peace and harmony, to achieve coexistence based on respect, tolerance, equality, responsibility and mutual help, to achieve joint agreement, consensus and a high sense of co-responsibility, where each factor has clear role, responsibility and possible sanctions within the organization.

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