Ujian Pengkabelan bersama pak guru gaul

in education •  7 years ago  (edited)

Setiap semester pasti akan diadakan ujian apakah ditengah semester maupun diakhir semester. namun ujian pertengahan semester sangat dianjurkan di setiap sekolah dimanapun dan kapan pun dengan tujuan pengujian kemampuan siswa sekaligus memotivasikan siswa ubtuk semangat belajar. sedangkan ujian akhir semester merupakan ujian untuk penentuan kenaikan kelas.


Each semester will definitely be tested whether in the middle semester or the end of the semester. but mid-semester exams are highly recommended in any school anywhere and anytime with the aim of testing students' skills as well as motivating students for the spirit of learning. while the final exam of the semester is a test for determining class increase.

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