First touch with DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY and DSLR camera

in education •  7 years ago 

I love my subjects at college so damn much! I'm currently on the 2nd year of undergraduate part. Things became so interesting and subjects are closely related to the profession I'm aiming to.

A lot of people are complaining about their subjects or they don't like what they learn but damn, I couldn't pick better college for myself.

Today I had a practical part of "Digital Photography". I'm attending on technical polytechnic and the plan of college is that we have 1 lecture and 1 practical part from every subject each week which is great, actually. Our task on the Introductory Exercise - the first one we had, was to get acquainted with cameras of course. The main goal is to teach us to use DSLR ("Digital single-lens reflex") cameras and its functions. It's not about buying a camera and use automatic settings.


This is our space in the multimedia center within the faculty and provides a lot of semi professional and professional services and equipment. I'm so thankful for that and I'm so happy we have professors that are very helpful. Atmosphere is always very chilled and professors with aides are always on hand and available for our many questions or live or via e-mails.

First time that I was present on the lecture of "Digital Photography" I immediately liked professor's approach and the way he explained the plan of the subject. I liked the subject itself and the title/name was pretty attractive too. I've always had sympathy of professional photography and scrutinizing of methods of photography.
At the end of semester we'll make our own portfolio of photographs and colleagues will rate our work and give a grade we deserve.

Artist's portfolio, a sample of an artist's work or a case used to display artwork, photographs etc.

Also, way of passing the subject impressed me the most. There are few ways "how to pass":

  • to take notes of every lecture and to set it out on college's repository which is online. Then, in the middle of semester and at the end, everyone that updated their notes regularly will have a chance to verbally exhibit the notes in front of the class. That is the least painful and easiest way. (I'm picking this one :D)

  • If you didn't take notes it's still okay. You'll have 2 colloquiums and you need 60% to pass it.

  • The last and the "hardest" one is for those who did nothing the whole year. They'll do a written part of the exam and after that verbal part.

I'm not really used to this type of taking notes, but I liked this type I have to admit.

In the multimedia center we have few DSLR cameras - Canon EOS600D with 2 objectives in the pack: Canon efs 55-250mm & efs 18-55mm with stand Manfrotto 055, drums, high-quality microphones, acoustic panel foam wedge stand, lighting stands for cameraworks, Chroma key (that's the green screen which is used for filming indoor which can be replaced with anything in post production), few Macs for post production, and not to forget table soccer. We shouldn't forget the fun part and to relax ourselves.

It was the first time I was there and that place is so cool. My friend and I worked in a pair and it was a lot of fun. Studying the functions of camera is not a big party, you know, but when it's "mastered" the play and fun begins. Our colleagues are really great too and our cooperation is awesome. Every time that someone needs help someone jumps in fast to explain what's vaguely.

We've been discovering Focus, Exposure (the amount of light the image sensor captures when taking a photo), Shutter speed (controls the duration of the exposure, or how long the light will be able to enter the camera - it's important for capturing movement), Aperture (the “opening” or “closing” of the lens to control the amount of light entering the camera), ISO (determines how sensitive the camera is to incoming light.), parts of the camera, battery, SD cards, buttons etc.


So we took things in our hands and "threw ourselves" on the job. We photographed things inside because it was cold outside. Different settings should be set for different photos depending on the amount of light so the settings of ISO, shutter speed and aperture are the most important. From my experience I suggest you not to set ISO too big. Photos that was taken with big ISO looks okay on the camera but on the bigger screen (monitor) photo looks "fried" and usually bad quality (correct me if I'm wrong).

"No, you won't take photos of me, I'll take photos of you man"
This is the other side of the moment :D

My colleague giving his best to take a good shot of macro photography :)

This is the part when we tried to make a photo with big time of exposure - around 3 sec. Let me explain what that means. Usually for "normal" photos time of exposure is 1/something (let's say 1/200 sec). If you put that time to 3 second that means that the camera is using 3 seconds to leak the light. It's widely used for elements in the motion like waterfalls. We tried to take a photo of table soccer in which one rod is spinning to get a "creative" shot and we kind of succeed.

Post production nook, and "professor part".

Having a lot of fun and this image is (let's say not accidentaly because we're professionals of course) almost perfect golden ratio with a camera in focus.

My first creative, wannabe (want to be) professional photo and I'm proud of it ^-^

Guys ignore irrelevant things in your life and start chasing your goals. I walk quickly to grab my aim with a hard work and try to be on the right way. As I do what I love, beautiful things are happening to me 💚

And of course, have a beautiful day and breathe every day to the fullest! - your @tonac :D

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Hm, ovo bi mogao biti lep serijal za lokalni ogranak STEM-a *(pošto u našoj zajednici ima dosta ljudi koji vole fotografiju).

Vidi samo da objašnjenje ima "naučnu" osnovu, tipa zašto ti je blic 4x slabiji kada se udaljiš 2x.

I ako bi podelio neke ideje o upotrebi više bliceva (blicova ili bliceva?) kako bi se postigli različiti stilovi portreta (low-key, Rembrant) - bio bi to sjajan tekst.

Ili da objasniš neke digitalne pojmove u detalje, tipa vibrance vs saturation ili razlike u colorspace uz malo matematike + praktični umetnički efekat te matematike

Super ideja, trenutno sam amater jer sam prvi put danas imao priliku koristiti DSLR kameru ali sam već prije par puta bio u doticaju s time. Naravno, što ću se ja više razvijati rado ću podijelit svoj napredak na Steemitu.

Imam nekog znanja u vezi svega toga, ali se još neću "petljati" s nečim što ne razumijem u potpunosti. Jako cijenim ovaj savjet i zapisat ću si ga tako da u bliskoj budućnosti bi mogao razraditi tu temu. :)

ja sam razmisljao da pisem o exposure trianglu al nesto nisam siguran jer ima dosta toga na netu da se nadje. ako ima smisla i budem imao vremena da odradim neke fotke i video o tome verovatno cu uraditi.

Super odlično. Baš mi je drago da ljudima dolaze ideje i inspiracija baš na mome postu :D

Ima ali sve bez konteksta, copy-paste.

Ako bi se dodala praktična upotreba: za insekte 1/500 s, za portret f/što manji broj...
I neka fora, tipa ekspozicija za veštačko svetlo da ne bude flicker-a - bilo bi nagrađeno

That sounds so much fun, I miss the days of college.
I have just started up a new contest that might interest you, i'd love if you took part!

I've checked the challenge, you could simplify it maybe a little but yes that's cool. I'll have you on my mind dear :)

All you need to do is respond to the prompt,, this weeks the prompt is all about you. Thanks and I hope you have fun with it :)

Say hello to your teacher, you know is my friend and if you need any advice, I am here for you :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This time, teacher is not I.R. but you may know this teacher as well. Thank you and I'll surely contact you if I need something :)

@tonac Kolega,
vidim TVZ i dalje radi fine studente, a Media Lab gori, ako si za neku suradnju javi se na discord :)

Ti si isto s TVZ-a? kako se nademo lako hahah cool. Cujemo se :D

odlicno...pisi dalje, objavljuj slike :)

Naravno samo trud i kvaliteta ništa drugo :)