EDX is a token issued by the Edxswap platform and functions as a payment on the platform. EDX token defends on Binance BEP-20 with a full shipment of 1,000,000 EDX. EDXSwap token exchange is an easy way to exchange one BEP-20 token for another using an automated liquidity pool.
Liquidity Pool and Liquidity Provider
Liquidity refers to how easily one asset can be converted into another asset, often fiat currency, without affecting the market price. Before AMM started playing, liquidity was a challenge for Ethereum's decentralized exchange (DEX). As a new technology with a complex user interface, there are few buyers and sellers, making it difficult to find enough people willing to trade regularly. AMM solves this limited liquidity problem by creating a liquidity pool and by providing incentives to liquidity providers to fill that pool with assets. The more assets there are in the pool and the more liquidity the pool has, the easier it is to trade on a decentralized exchange.
On the AMM platform, consumers are not trading between buyers and sellers, but against a pool of tokens - a pool of liquidity. The liquidity pool is basically a shared token pot. The user provides a pool of liquidity with tokens, and the price of tokens in the pool is determined by a mathematical formula. By changing the formula, the liquidity pool can be optimized for various purposes.
Anyone with an internet connection and any type of ERC-20 token can become a liquidity provider by sending tokens to the AMM liquidity pool. Liquidity providers usually get paid for providing tokens in the pool. This fee is paid by traders who interact with Liquid Pool. Recently, liquidity providers have also been able to generate returns in the form of project tokens through what is known as "agricultural production".
How Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens work:
If the token is stored in cryptocurrency, the platform automatically generates a new token that represents the share the payer has in this pool. These are known as Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and can be used for a variety of functions both within your own platform and in other decentralized financial applications.
Initial liquidity pool (LP) for EDX token investment:
Price multiplier:
EDX / BNB (20x price)
EDX / BUSD (17x prize)
EDX / COURT (12 times the price)
EDX / ETH (7 times awarded)
EDX / CONNECTION (5x prize)
EDX / CONNECTION (5x prize)
The distinguishing features of the FARMS mechanism are as follows:
- Users receive a fixed bonus in the form of BNB tokens at an exchange rate according to BUSD. For example, those who develop EDX / BNB are rewarded by BNB and not paid by EDX, which prevents the number of EDX from increasing, resulting in sales and a decrease in the price of EDX in the market.
- Consumers can remove the farm at any time and sell it in return for receiving the relevant BNB.
This FARMS mechanism prevents token growth and pays high liquidity interest. This function means the EDX value increases every day
In order for automated market makers like Uniswap, Curve, and Balancer to work, cryptocurrency providers need to deposit assets into a cryptocurrency pool. If the token is stored in cryptocurrency, the platform automatically generates a new token that represents the share the payer has in this pool. These are known as Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and can be used for a variety of functions both within your own platform and in other decentralized financial applications. This leads to an increase in the liquidity available in the DeFi ecosystem. Edxswap tokens are exchanged through the liquidity and liquidity pools.
Connect with
Web : https://edx.finance/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EDXswap
Telegram: https://t.me/edxswapcommunity
Whitepaper : https://edx.finance/edx-document.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/edx.finance
Forum Username: btc4future
Forum link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1771077
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x0C16ab8Bff25309ee601A09e8AD8E7bC83156D74