8 Effective Ways to Remove Dental Plaque Naturally

in effective •  7 years ago 

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Eight effective ways to remove dental plaque naturally unfortunately some of our seemingly innocent habits can have an adverse effect on our teeth such as smoking too much caffeine and irregular dental care in the end all of this can lead to the annoying and potentially serious problem of dental plaque formation if your biggest dream is to see your dentist as rarely as possible while maintaining a smile that would give Julia Roberts a run for her money then this video is just what you need Brightside has gathered a list of natural and extremely simple ways to kick that nasty dental plaque to the curb eight baking soda baking soda has been used for literally everything okay well maybe it won't put gas in your car or run your errands but you get what.

we mean it's a fantastic natural scrub and you'll often find it as an ingredient in a lot of home remedies when it comes to plaque removal baking soda is perfectly fit for scraping that tough tartar off your tooth enamel it's a bit abrasive though so don't overdo it also sodium bicarbonate baking sodas fancy name has the ability to neutralize acids that collect in your mouth as a result the amount of harmful bacteria becomes significantly lower need some scientific evidence in 2008 the journal of clinical dentistry published an article analyzing five clinical studies and concluded that products containing baking soda powder or baking soda paste removed plaque much more effectively than those without this amazing substance yeah that's great null but how can you use it to your own benefit just mix a tablespoon of

baking soda with a pinch of salt and simply dip your wet toothbrush into the mixture after that brush your teeth as usual and don't forget to thoroughly rinse your mouth one more way to make your teeth shine is to add enough hydrogen peroxide to one teaspoon of baking soda to get a thick enough paste brush your gums and teeth with this homemade toothpaste twice a week and enjoy your new Hollywood smile 7 aloe vera and

glycerin people have known about the health benefits of aloe vera for years you're probably most familiar with using its gel to treat sunburns but did you know that its miraculous powers can be used in oral care as well you can actually use it as a really powerful and natural toothpaste since this plant is antimicrobial it'll keep your teeth free from plaque oh and to top that off it also fights bad breath to make this toothpaste start by

combining one cup of water with a half cup of baking soda then add 1 TSP of aloe vera gel 4 teaspoons of vegetable glycerin and one teaspoon of lemon essential oil mix it all together into a paste and brush your teeth with it after that there's nothing else to do but watch your teeth become whiter shinier and healthier within minutes try to use this toothpaste twice a day every day just like you already do with your store-bought

toothpaste or at least you should be doing 6 orange peel after you eat an orange don't throw away the peel pick it up and rub it all over your teeth sure you'll look weird and people might stare or slowly back away from you but you'll know you're not crazy you just know that orange peel is a quick and easy way to clean your enamel oh and don't worry your teeth won't turn orange if they do you should maybe consider getting your oranges from a different store because that would

be really alarming anyway orange peel will not only whiten your teeth but it'll also help prevent future stains from forming after you're done rubbing the inside part of the peel on your pearly whites for a few minutes rinse it off with some water or you can even leave it on your teeth all night and wash it away in the morning if you have more spare time or patience you can also match the orange peel and put it on your teeth leave it on for some time.

then rinse it and your two stains away 5 sesame seeds no folks they're not just for decorating hamburger buns these teeny tiny seeds can also work as a pretty good dental scrub they'll remove the plaque and even tartar gently and carefully without hurting the teeth want to give it a try just chew on a handful of sesame seeds for a few minutes don't swallow them even if they are really tasty then brush your teeth with a dry tooth brush with the seeds still inside your mouth this will delicately

remove stains on your teeth without damaging the enamel when you feel like your teeth are clean and shiny thoroughly rinse your mouth for vitamin tooth mask you've more than likely heard of face masks hair masks or even Halloween masks but have you ever heard of a tooth mask sound interesting enough to try well it's super easy mashing up fruits and veggies rich in vitamin C is a quick and simple way to create a plaque preventing masks for your teeth simply mash together

some tomatoes strawberries and oranges and put the paste on your teeth wait for 5 to 6 minutes and then rinse it off this will help kill any germs in your mouth and freshen up your breath however those with sensitive teeth beware this mask can hurt a lot 3 vinegar solution this solution isn't going to win any awards for having a great taste but it is 100% natural and it does clean your teeth without damaging them one of the ingredients in white vinegar is acetic acid which prevents both demineralization of tooth enamel and plaque buildup it has some antibacterial properties as well in 2014 the International Journal of advanced Health Sciences published the results of a study

claiming that vinegar was much more effective for dissolving plaque than glycerine or distilled water so if you're ready to save your teeth from cavity forming plaque then combine two tablespoons of white vinegar one tablespoon of salt and four ounces of water use this liquidy mixture as a mouth rinse once or twice a day to clothes people have been using ground cloves to relieve to thanks for decades but don't forget about their ability to destroy bacteria in the mouth as well yes exactly those microorganisms that cause plaque and bad breath in 2014 the Journal of Indian society and

Periodontology issued a study describing the benefits of an herbal mouth rinse that contained cloves and tea tree oil this rinse reduce the amount of microbial colonies formed thus serving as an anti plaque agent if you want to see the plaque fighting powers of cloves for yourself just mix together one teaspoon of powdered cloves and some olive oil put the mixture on your teeth and leave it there for a couple of minutes after that just rinse it off with some cool water do this twice a day for the best results you can also get into the habit of

regularly chewing on cloves this will maintain good oral health and help fight bad breath if it's because of too much bacteria in the mouth if you've got bad breath because you ate something funky well we can't help you out there one rosemary essential oil this essential oil will act as a disinfectant getting rid of germs in your mouth it fights the build-up of plaque which will prevent cavity formation and eliminate bad breath take several drops of the essential oil and mix them with a tablespoon of water rinse your mouth with this liquid for 10 minutes then spit it out just don't swallow this

mixture do this twice a day and never worry about standing and talking to someone to close again hey maybe you'll even get closer with that special someone you've been crushing on [Music] some additional plaque destroying tips [Music] eat more cheese cheese helps produce alkaline saliva which in turn creates a layer of protection around the teeth and neutralizes plaque acid eats I seafood it stimulates the salivary glands and saliva is your mouths natural gum and teeth cleaner eat raw apples do it one hour after meals this fruit cleans the teeth and heals the gums apparently it

keeps both the doctor and the dentist away eat figs they stimulate saliva production and strengthen the teeth try to avoid sugary and starchy foods these are a favorite playground for oral bacteria you might think to yourself why waste my time on getting rid of the plaque on my teeth it doesn't bother me none well you can say that now but you'll really be regretting it down the road keeping your teeth plaque free is a must if you want

your teeth to be healthy and don't forget that healthy teeth are the ones that stay in your mouth have you ever heard of a dentist pulling up perfectly healthy tooth yeah I didn't think so rather than dealing with tooth decay and all sorts of other serious problems it's better just to get that gross stuff off your teeth there are actually two things to worry about not only plaque but also tartar people often confuse them believing that they're one and the same however flak is the bacteria that accumulate on the teeth and produce lactic acid

that demineralize is enamel as for tartar you can notice it on the outside of your teeth it looks like white or yellow patches charter appears as a result of saliva food grime and dirt collecting on the teeth tartar helps the plaque stick to your teeth because it's porous which makes it the perfect home for the plaque to build up around and inside the pores if plaque and tartar aren't removed cavities start to appear and if those are left untreated it can lead to all sorts of other issues like gum disease gingivitis infections or abscesses pretty serious right plus dentists nowadays know that poor dental hygiene can even lead to coronary disease and diabetes none of that sounds very appealing does it so don't risk it just take good care of your teeth it only takes a couple of minutes twice a day to save yourself from a whole lot of bigger problems later on plus now you have some

really effective inexpensive and natural ways to do it are you a stickler when it comes to taking care of your teeth share with us your favorite oral care approaches in the comments below also share this video with your friends so that they'll also know how to protect their teeth remember to hit the like button and subscribe to our Channel we have a lot of cool stuff on the bright side of life.

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