It is but three days already after that SK and Barangay Elections last May 14. However, comments, shout-outs kept flooding in the social media. The winners wall are filled with words of thanksgivings while that of losers, though not all, are filled with words that somehow vote buying defeated them in the race.
Election has already passed but people could not move on. Stories are heard everywhere and there of which reflection goes back to our values as Filipinos. Others say that "vote buying" (if it is true since we don't have any evidence on said acts) is already a virus creeping into the lives of Filipino politicians. If it is true, then why do we allow it to ruin our lives, our integrity. There is nothing more precious in this life but the integrity, the dignity that each one of us has.
It might be disgusting to hear rumors as these but we need to get involved. I was able to come across a post in facebook that the Department of the Interior and Local Government is addressing said complaints and accordingly, appropriate actions will be imposed to erring officials who committed violations during the elections.
Maybe we need to examine ourselves and our commitment to our country. Any mistake committed by an individual, if not corrected, will then contaminate until it will affect even the entire community. Let us stand as Filipinos fought by our heroes to gain freedom and identity. Let us not waste the blood that they shed.