Fuck It, Before It Fucks You #99 (Beaten six ways to Sunday now)

in election •  4 years ago 

Oh shit, it’s Sunday night and I need to write some shit for the Internet to not read. So what am going to write about this week? I don’t know. I mean, I don’t think a whole lot really happened this week did it? Well, I gotta write about something so let’s see what I can come up with….

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Oh, here’s some minor event that I recently learned about. It looks to be all but official that Donald Trump will be replaced as President of the United States at the beginning of next year. I mean, unless the current President’s weak ass lawsuits succeed, which even his own aides don’t seem to think will happen. Apparently, and frankly much to my own shock I do admit, Joe Biden received more votes than any candidate in American history, I mean even George Washington only got like 43,000 and he was elected unanimously. So I’m sure it has something to do with changing population figures, because unlike Washington, Biden only received 50.7% of the popular vote. Which certainly beats the “Populist” Donald Trump’s 47.7%, to be sure, but it’s still a pretty fucking slim majority, even if it’s more than Trump ever got. But of course he’s refusing to concede, saying that mail-in votes shouldn’t count for one reason or another, but I’m pretty sure the main reason he doesn’t want to them to count is because he didn’t get very many…. Which is what happens when you tell your supporters not to vote by mail. Ain’t that fucking ironic? What? It’s not? It’s exactly what a rationally thinking individual would expect to happen? Well fuck. What I’m wondering is, if he’s so fucking concerned about mail in ballots being a fraud, why is it he hasn’t filed a single lawsuit that I’m aware of here in Washington? They’ve been voting by mail here for at least 10 years. I mean come on Donnie! I know you didn’t have a snowball’s chance in Vegas of winning here, but it’s not like your people aren’t here too! Don’t you want to make sure they’re not being defrauded? And what’s this shit about ballots received after election day shouldn't count? Aren’t a substantial number of absentee ballots usually received after election day? I’m pretty sure you’re talking about disenfranchising millions of voters here, many of whom are troops serving overseas. I know the Republicans don’t want to do that. So really his argument is that it’s not fair counting the other guys' votes. Pretty fucking weak if you ask me. And I’d say the same if it was coming from the Democrats, though I’m sure most liberals wouldn’t. I mean if he wants a recount, fine. I’ll give him that much. Some of these states were pretty close, but after that he needs to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here.
So the good news is that Trump lost. The bad news is that Biden won and now the people have a different enemy to deal with. As much of a piece of shit as Trump is, I did appreciate his anti-establishment attitude, even if he IS the establishment. He did manage to wake a lot of people up. Trouble is he took the people’s justified anger at the system and used it to turn us on each other. Not to say he didn’t have the help of Democrats in that. He most certainly did. But in the end he’s just another tool of the establishment. Just like Joe Biden. Our new tool. I mean, he’s been a tool for the establishment forever, but now he’s THE tool of the establishment. Now the American “left” is in the streets celebrating a guy who got into politics running against the civil rights movement, and who’s actively participated in systemic racism, along with his historically black female Vice President. How many millions of African Americans are these two responsible for putting in prison? To say nothing of the deaths of millions of innocent brown people in the middle east with their support of the military industrial complex and our endless imperialist wars of aggression. This guy bragged about writing the USAPATRIOT act (years before 9/11) and was part of the admisistration that gave the executive branch of the government the power to indefinitely detain American citizens on American soil without a trial. Yet the American “left” for some reason thinks he’s actually going to make things better.
So I keep remembering these signs a few protesters were holding up 4 years ago saying “If Hillary was President we’d be at brunch!” And I’m pretty sure that’s what their plan is for the next four years. Meanwhile the Democrats will continue working hand in hand with Republicans (because they don’t have to follow COVID restrictions) doing the bidding of their corporate donors. Undermining civil liberties, expanding the police state, the survailiance state, the prison industrial complex and the military industrial complex and doing fuck all for working class Americans. All while liberals are gleefully enjoying their brunch with the horror of the evil orange man long forgotten. If the people want anything good to come out of this election, they have to DEMAND it. If we want affordable healthcare, we have to DEMAND it. If we want pandemic relief, we have to DEMAND it. Want properly funded public education? Well it’s time to DEMAND it. We need to DEMAND that the military budget be cut to pay for these things. We need to DEMAND that our troops be brought home and given the support they need when they get here. DEMAND that our government stop drone bombing innocent people and then acting like they don’t know why those people want to come over here and kill us. In short, we need to DEMAND that if we must have a government, then that government must work for it’s people. And if it doesn’t? Then FUCK IT! Before it fucks you.

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