Cuban-Americans swing Red.

in election •  4 years ago 


It appears that Biden lost Florida largely because he underperformed so badly among Cuban-American voters. Alienating Cuban-Americans also probably cost the Democrats some valuable House seats.

If (as I expect), Biden still wins the election and goes on to become president, one of his first steps in office should be to reverse this terrible Obama policy, and make the announcement as visible as possible.

Yes, I know that by saying this I become the umpteenth person to say that something they favor anyway is politically advantageous. Believe me, I'm well aware that I favor many unpopular ideas! In this case, the expedient and the just actually overlap.

I would add that I'm well aware that Trump's immigration policies are much worse. That's a big reason why I voted for Biden myself! But Biden and the Democrats still have plenty of room for improvement.

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