Electromagnetic World or Magneto Electric World? What are Ley Lines and what secrets do they hold throughout numerous ancient cultures? Gateways, Portals?

in electromagnetism •  2 years ago  (edited)

Are ley lines electromagnetic pipes that guide the energy from the earth to all of the places they reach?

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Is this similar to how the human body works?
If so, is that why there is a direct connection between humanity and nature?

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The energy coursing through these Ley lines, and the energy in human bodies is of an electromagnetic nature.

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This is why many who have studied Ley lines, feel it is a similar way to how veins and arteries work in a body.

This also aligns with the foundation of some healing practices.
For instance chakra alignments and acupressure, acupuncture, in which healers redistribute energy that is flowing in a body and sending it where it has to go.

As above so below?
When you are looking at the energy grids on the earth the As above so below starts to make perfect sense not only for

  • the planetary grid system
  • the human body
    As these energy grids which are lines of force have not only been observed and felt on the planet, but also in the human body.
    If you look at the acupuncture grid, the energy meridians. . .you discover that these same points of energy are also found in the human body.

What does the human body function off of?

If not familiar see one of my earlier research articles which is fully sourced here,

The Body Electric, Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life. Hear about life saving techniques and what was happening in World War II times underneath New York


Some hikers have noted that if they use these lines while hiking, these people are convinced that if some animals can use these lines and the electromagnetic signature of the earth to guide themselves, then so can they.

They even belief that walking from one knot to another, will reconnect them better with their true nature.
One must remember that knots can be either beneficial or harmful depending on the energy flow direction.

Some advocate doing these walks barefoot in order to connect better with the ground and nature.

I will say, I did a summer training barefoot for a race by running on a plot of land I owned which used to be an old Indian Burial ground.

We had many odd happenings in our home, but my ankle injury improved and my bones strengthened, where as before, running on the asphalt and even dirt roads with my shoes on only excasberbated my injuries.

Whether people choose to believe in them or not, Ley lines are definitely a part of this planet and have been used by people from almost every period of time.

It has been noted and verified by many ethnic people's that they carry a huge amount of energy.

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Ley lines have been the subject of many controversies over the years.
They still hold an important part in many people's lives and in soul searching.
The evidence people have believed in them for millennia lies in the monuments and monolithic structures built throughout our planet.

Many chalk it up to ancient myths, yet there is evidence that cannot be discounted of vibrational energy anomalies such as sound and octaves that cannot be disputed.

If not familiar see this research article with full sources and footage provided,

The Hidden Law of Vibration and what is really going on! Can it be used For you or Against you? See evidence of how it has been used and can be used! You must understand the underlying grid!


More sources and connecting articles,













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The study of magnetism is traced back to the Egyptians and the Greeks.

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Magnetism was well known to Pythagorus
The Arabs were aware of it and so were the Chinese due to the discovery of the mariner compass.

For the most part, the knowledge of magnetism was neglected until the 17th century when it became known by the
Christian gnostics
Jewish mystics

All were unfolding phases of magnetic theory.
Then there came a period of the magnetic tub.

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It was a kind of tub where many people put their feet at the same time.

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They held hands and created a battery out of the water in the tank.

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The air around everything is a tremendous field of magnetic energy.

The atmosphere carries the magnetism of the sun.

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The study of the magnetic powers of the sun, are apparent by the seasons.

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These seasons are the result of a magnetic factor in the air.

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Many try to explain it only as a physical, astronomical phenomena and that is why so many do not fathom what is really happening all around them.

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They are trying to package it which only puts limits on what it really is.

Many only take into consideration the rotations and revolutions of the sun and the planets.

They forget to take into account that each of these planets is a field of magnetic energy, and this energy comes to us through air.

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People use the result of magnetism coming to them through the air from all the devices they use.
People have been using the benefits of magnetism coming to them through the air since they have used their tell a vision boxes and radios!

Weren't the lyrics to Radio Ga Ga interesting from a song from years ago?
Check it out if not familiar.

Queen - Radio Ga Ga (Official Video)

What do you suppose they are trying to tell you about sound frequencies in here?
What effect do they have on people?
On buildings?
On shaping?
On steering imagination rather than letting people use their own imagination?

What effect do vibrations/frequencies have on water, roads, structures, vehicles, people?
Notice at the end of the vid all the gas masks come off?
Why is that do you suppose?

People found out they could have all kinds of different programs on at the same time whether it's a radio station or a tell a vision box in which those programs could come from all directions.
Magnetism in the air?

Did you know cancer cells are vulnerable between the frequency of 100,000 Hz and 300,00 Hz?
Why did they not tell you?
Those in the know?
Those trying to control the situation?

So it appears people like Nikola Tesla and others understood that we all exist in an electromagnetic universe.

Is that a subtle deception also? You decide!

Does everything spin and vibrate?

What if instead it is the Magneto- Electric Universe where we exist?

Would this have given many people a very different perception about the world they live in if it had been approached from this viewpoint?

Does a Magneto-Electric Universe bring about a major consciousness shift?

What if you had know what the Egyptians and Greeks knew about everything having it's own specific frequency?
Would this have helped you to better understand the world around you?

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Isn't this how things are manipulated?

As stated before, I studied a great deal about other cultures and ancient history as a backdrop to my field in education.

Did you know that the foundation of all religions claim an origin in some type of frequency or vibration?

For instance,

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Think music, resonance and chord structures.

Why during war times they were able to level certain bridges by marching?
Vibration or tuning into a certain specific frequency perhaps?

Think about harmonic resonance in music which become visible in sacred geometry and the six aspects of OM.

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Now consider that the all seeing Eye of Horus shows the 6 resonating ratios which show us that all of these ancient cultures understood very well the importance of sound resonance and how frequency is encoded in all of the things that they did and interacted with.

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I have shown this one before in some of my teachings, articles and vid reports.
Do you remember the significance?
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Go here if not familiar to why this hieroglyph is important.
Have people missed the hidden messages left behind in Egypt for generations? Are their decoding skills of the comms in the hieroglyphs faulty? Check it out. . .what are the Hidden Revelations? The Obvious inside for those who want it Revealed!


Is Sound the Source of all Creation?
God's word says it is.
Check it out. . .
John 1:1
King James Version
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Did you catch it?
Many people have told me "yes, yes," when I quote this, but I can tell that prior they did not really have the Ears to HEAR what all it really entails as it is Quite Deep!

CONSIDER what all came into play with those Rolling Stones when Jesus rose from the dead!
Now WHAT needs to happen for the REST of humanity to Rise Up?
What about the asleep?
The Non awakened?

Have a listen,
Lauren Daigle - Still Rolling Stones (lyrics)

Do you get it?
I mean REALLY get it?

If not, don't give up, keep trying, you CAN get it!
You can literally Ascend, RISE UP!

It's all about coherence and harmonic resonance.
Even within the human body.
If it is not in harmony then it is not at ease, but rather diseased.

If your body is not aligned with the Natural frequencies of the earth as opposed to all of the frequencies many pump over the airwaves on the radio, television and through our various devices, then we are at dis ease with earth and nature.

Cymatics will tell you how sound is behind everything in creation.

It manifests in physical form.
If not familiar check out

Sound can literally manifest physical shapes as can be seen from the evidence in the article above.

Sound also inspires religious symbols.

When you drill into some of these cymatics, you get a perfect cross in a circle as seen here. . .Source of the sound!
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Source of sound is the Sound of the Creator!

It creates light, levitates, boils water, creates dna, heals, destroys pathogens, sound moves beyond the speed of light.


#Electromagentism, #Electricicity, #Magnetism, #Gateways, #Portals, #LeyLines, #Frequencies, #Frequency, #Vibrations, #SecretsOfTheUniverse

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Remember the Nikola Tesla Electric Oscillator?

Now if you know the period of oscillation, then you can use it to drive the mechanism of a watch.

The need to tell time at sea is what drove non pendulum based time keeping for mechanical watches.

In a mechanical clock, the pendulum from a grandfather clock is replaced with an oscillating mass in a spring.

A coiled string is used with a rotating mass. A coiled spring that repeatedly winds up.

The Secret Study Of Seeing With Sound | Sonic Magic | Spark

Cymatics is the science of visible sound.

So sound made visible?


Or see here if your browser will not allow you to view the above vid.

Check it out if not familiar,
