In 2017 two neutron stars collided
Einstein's theory of general relativity predicted that when two neutron stars collide, they would generate a gravitational wave, a ripple in space time.
That's exactly what physicists saw for the first time last summer with LIGO, the new gravitational wave observatory.
So It's Not force,
but actually a distortion in Space Time.
Einstein an Apple falls from a tree
because the Apple is responding to a
curvature of space-time caused by the
planet's mass there's no attractive
force called gravity fair to say that's
a massive paradigm shift so if we were
wrong about gravity could we be wrong
about other theories particularly those
that involve it how we measure Earth's
mass today.
Does each particle exert a fixed force upon all others?
Are conditions in a laboratory the same as conditions in space?
What if the mass of the earth is overstated?
If it is. ..doesn't it stand to reason that the mass of other planets is overstated?
Is the earth by any chance cavernous?
If it isn't, why are boring machines and so many underground bases Known for a FACT to exist?
Edmond Halley stated,
the magnetic
anomalies of the earth could only be the
result of a different composition he
believed that beneath the earth's crust
were too thick concentric shells and
that each region potentially had its own
*atmosphere. . .
- luminosity
- possibly was inhabited
If this sounds crazy. . .have you seen this NASA video showing Saturn's North Pole?
This is a view from directly over the North Pole
Shows the exact Counter Rotating Fields that Haley described.
From Andy Ingersol , a member of the Cassini Imaging Team
At the time this vid was made Cassini had been in orbit around Saturn for 9 years.
Mysterious Hurricane at Saturn's North Pole
The hurricane is different from Earth's hurricane because it is locked to the North Pole.
Unlike a terrestrial hurricane, there's no ocean underneath. Which was one of the puzzles this team was trying to figure out.
In Jupiter's Pole you can count up to 15 of these counter rotating cylinders.
It was claimed that the Aurora Borealis was the light seen from this counter rotation.
Norway is one of the Best places to see the Northern Lights,
Aurora Borealis / Educational Video
By the turn of the 20th century scientists had created artificial aurora in their labs.
Check out what Kristian Birkeland, a Norwegian scientists invented,
Well That's interesting isn't it?
Birkeland invented the Terrella
The Terrella is a device that uses an electron gun similar to the one in a tube television.
The largest use is in cathode ray tubes (CRTs), used in nearly all television sets, computer displays and oscilloscopes that are not flat-panel displays. They are also used in field emission displays (FEDs)
In a cathode ray tube the electrons get aimed at the screen, where they light up the phosphor on the screen to create the image. The electron gun starts with a small heater, which is a lot like the hot, bright filament of a regular light bulb.
Also of Interest? As you all know I Always call it the Tell a Vision Box!
From Gizmodo
The origin of the television set was heavily shrouded in both spiritualism and the occult, writes author Stefan Andriopoulos in his new book Ghostly Apparitions. In fact, as its very name implies, the television was first conceived as a technical device for seeing at a distance: like the telephone (speaking at a distance) and telescope (viewing at a distance), the television was intended as an almost magical box through which we could watch distant events unfold, a kind of technological crystal ball.
Andriopoulos’s book puts the TV into a long line of other “optical media” that go back at least as far as weird Renaissance experiments involving technologically-induced illusions, such as concave mirrors, magic lanterns, disorienting walls of smoke, and other “ghostly apparitions” and “phantasmagoric projections” created by speciality devices. These were conjuring tricks, sure, but they relied on sophisticated understandings of such basic things as light, shadow, and acoustics, making an audience see — and believe in — an illusion.
A Magic Lantern for Seeing Events at a Distance
What’s central to Andriopoulos’s argument is that these devices included instruments specifically designed for pursuing supernatural research — for visualising the invisible and showing the subtle forces at work in everyday life. In his words, these were “devices developed in occult research” — including “televisionlike devices” — invented in the name of spiritualism toward the end of the 19th century that later “played a constitutive role in the emergence of radio and television.”
This was, in the author’s words, part of “the reciprocal interaction between occultism and the natural sciences that characterised the cultural construction of new technological media in the late nineteenth century,” a “two-directional exchange between occultism and technology.”
So, while the television itself — the living room object you and I most likely know — might not be a supernatural mechanism, it nonetheless descends from a strange and convoluted line of esoteric experimentation, including early attempts at controlling electromagnetic transmissions, radio waves, and even experiencing various forms of so-called “remote viewing.”
The idea of a medium takes on a double meaning here, Andriopoulos explains, as it refers both to the media — in the sense of a professional world of publishing and transmission — and to the medium, in the sense of a person who acts as a psychic or seer.
Indeed, in Andriopoulos’s version of television’s origin story, the notion of spiritual clairvoyance was very much part of the overall intention of the device.
Clairvoyance — a word that literally means clear vision, but that has now come to refer almost exclusively to the supernatural ability to see things at a distance or before they even happen — offered an easy metaphor for this new mechanism. Television promised clairvoyance in the sense that a TV could allow seeing without interference or noise. It would give viewers a way to tune into and clearly see a broadcast’s invisible signals — as if a remote-viewing apparatus with forgotten supernatural intentions is now ensconced in nearly everyone’s home.
Part Tomb, Part Church, Part Planetarium
The cathode ray — a vacuum tube technology found in early televisions sets — found an unexpected and extraordinary use in the work of gonzo Norwegian inventor Kristian Birkeland.
Birkeland used cathode rays in his attempt to build a doomed scale model of the solar system.
I genuinely love this story and, although I have written about it elsewhere, it is worth a quick recap here. Birkeland was the first scientist to correctly hypothesize the origins of the Northern Lights, rightly deducing from his own research of electromagnetic phenomena that the aurora borealis was caused by interactions between charged particles from the sun and the earth’s own magnetic field. This produced the extraordinary displays of light Birkeland had seen in the planet’s far north.
As author Lucy Jago tells Birkeland’s amazing story in her book The Northern Lights, he was intent on producing a kind of astronomical television set: a “televisionlike device,” in Andriopoulos’s words, whose inner technical workings would model the electromagnetic secrets of the universe.
As Jago describes his project, Birkeland “drew up plans for a new machine unlike anything that had been made before.” It resembled “a spacious aquarium,” she writes, a shining box that would act as “a window into space.”
The box would be pumped out to create a vacuum and he would use larger globes and a more powerful cathode to produce charged particles. With so much more room he would be able to see effects, obscured in the smaller tubes, that could take his Northern Lights theory one step further — into a complete cosmogony, a theory of the origins of the universe.
It was a multifaceted and extraordinary undertaking. With it, Jago points out, “Birkeland was able to simulate Saturn’s rings, comet tails, and the Zodiacal Light. He even experimented with space propulsion using cathode rays. Sophisticated photographs were taken of each simulation, to be included in the next volume of Birkeland’s great work, which would discern the electromagnetic nature of the universe and his theories about the formation of the solar system.”
Interesting article ends with. .
Of course, Birkeland’s cathode ray model of the solar system might not have conjured ghosts or visualized the spiritual energies that Andriopoulous explores in his book, but it did try to bring the heavens down to earth in the form of a 1,000 cubic meter television set partially hewn from raw granite.
It was the most awesome TV ever attempted, a doomed and never-realised invention that nonetheless puts all of today’s visual media to shame.
Considering all that is Still done underground in secret and the little [some fairly Big] black boxes in everyone's homes today!
See how they Do that?
Those who have Eyes to see. ..SEE, those who don't want to See. ..keep their heads buried in the sand on purpose just as the great deceiver wants them to do!
UFO NASA Stunning Aurora Borealis From Space || Best UFO Documentary Collection
Do you find this interesting?
Perhaps Some parallels to Nikola Tesla?
Suffering from severe paranoia due to his use of barbital as a sleeping aid, he died under mysterious circumstances in his room in the Hotel Seiyoken in Tokyo while visiting colleagues at the University of Tokyo.
A post-mortem revealed that Birkeland had taken 10 g of barbital the night he died, instead of the 0.5 g recommended.
The time of death was estimated at 7am on 15 June 1917.Some authors have claimed that he committed suicide. "On the nightstand lay a revolver".
See more in here,
Haley also speculated that the poles would have access into earth.
Do you find it interesting the "powers that be" and those in positions of leadership attempt to hide certain aspects of the poles? WHY?
Do they Once Again Pretend it is for Your Safety and that it is to keep military activity there and keep military activity out?
If that is the case, why are there bases there?
OH. . .that's right. . .Scientific Research provides great cover even though historically. . .
So common folk Cannot go there and explore unfettered. You will even find info like this. . .Telling?
So is This Really where Hitler disappeared to? Only asking. You Decide!
This Sure is interesting isn't it?
And for all those leftists out there suggesting the following is Just from Conspiracy Theorists. ..
- No. 1 the C*a was proven to coin that term in an attempt to throw shade on those who dared question their narrative from the findings of the Warren Commission on the "single shooter" theory and the background of their patsy.
No. 2 the following is from NASA.
Which is Interesting because. ..
Ex Pentagon official Luis Elizondo, who was part of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program and
who recently revealed UAP or [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena] bombshells
discussed A theory in the DoD is that these UAP could be originating from the earth's oceans.
Luis Elizonda believes that is possible due to the fact that we know very little about our oceans and these UAP seem to be around water a lot.
Every time we ascribe a quality of what life should be like photosynthesis. . .nature proves us wrong.
Just look at chemosynthesis and the life that exists in the very deepest parts of our ocean where black smokers live.
See more here,
Interesting connection here?
You decide!
The Preliminary Assessment Unidentified Aerial Phenomena from the DNI what a former AATIP Director states and those who died just before they were to appear before the Senate. What is Really Going On? Did you catch the info Under the SEA? You decide!
See some of the creatures and life forms identified in the deepest depths of the ocean inside about halfway down when you scroll.
The Preliminary Assessment Unidentified Aerial Phenomena from the DNI what a former AATIP Director states and those who died just before they were to appear before the Senate. What is Really Going On? Did you catch the info Under the SEA? You decide!
Are these just Some of the reasons common people cannot go, but people in high places Can?
1 Thessalonians 5:3
“For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.”
John Kerry able to go though. Interesting?
Not for thee, but for me mentality of the globalist elites?
From 2009
From 2019
Do you remember when geo physicists challenged the idea of a dense earth?
As in the days of Newton?
As per Insight
It was in the 13th century when the compass first appeared to Europeans, though in China it had come about two centuries earlier. As crude as these early compasses were, they marked a great technological revolution. One could argue that the compass was the first electromagnetic technology. For the first time, mariners had a tool for navigating on the undifferentiated ocean, regardless of the conditions. As explorers ventured further out into the world’s oceans, they discovered that the compass did not point to the geographic North. This difference between geographic North and magnetic north was called “variation.”
Mariners were further perplexed by the ever-changing value of the variation as one moved on the globe. The fact that the compass behaved oddly could be frightening to sailors setting out into the unknown. On his first journey in 1492, fearing a mutiny, Columbus kept the compass’s odd behavior a secret from his crew.
Even more troubling was the observation that at a given point on the Earth, magnetic north would move about over time. During the 17th century, after the pioneering work of William Gilbert, it was understood that the earth itself was a giant magnetic dipole with which the compass interacted.
But it was still a mystery as to why the compass did not point to North in the same way as one moved across the globe, particularly in an East-West direction.
Until the experimental work of Hans Ørsted, Michael Faraday, and James Maxwell’s brilliant theoretical synthesis, scientists viewed electricity and magnetism effects as separate and independent phenomena. Of the two, magnetism had received the earliest and most intense scrutiny, from both scientific and technological perspectives. The imperatives of maritime trade and naval power drove the intense interest in magnetic phenomena. The study of terrestrial magnetism then opened the door to the science and technology of electromagnetic phenomena that would follow in the next two centuries. Halley devoted much of his time to modeling and mapping the behavior of the earth’s magnetic field. His grand ambition was to solve the age-old longitude problem through a better understanding of the Earth’s magnetic field.
In 1683, 325 years ago, Halley produced the first of many papers on the Earth’s magnetic field. In 1696, he argued that the Earth was made of any outer shell and a separate inner core. Each produced its own magnetic dipole. It was the motion of the inner core that produced the observed behavior of terrestrial magnetism. Although Halley’s model was eventually proven wrong, his belief that the behavior of the planet’s magnetic field had its origins deep in the Earth core does resonate with the explanations that emerged in the 1950s. The core is molten and in motion. Complex magneto-hydrodynamic processes deep within the earth, which are still not fully understood, create the behavior of the magnetic field observed on the Earth’s surface and above.
Halley, one of the most eminent astronomers of the late 17th and early 18th centuries, argued that the comet of 1682 had been the same one that had been recorded in 1066, 1305, and 1380. Rather than on a parabolic trajectory, this comet, he argued, traveled on a highly elongated elliptical orbit. Using the new mathematics and physics developed by his friend Isaac Newton, Halley predicted that this comet would appear again to the world in 1758. Halley, who would become Britain’s Astronomer Royal, never lived to see his prediction come true. But Halley’s Comet was born. Not confined to only astronomy, Halley’s great mind touched many areas of science and technology. To electrical engineers, it may come as a surprise that Edmond Halley was also one of the early explorers into the realm of electromagnetic phenomena.
More important to the science of terrestrial magnetism was Halley’s extensive work to map the variations.
For Halley, the behavior of the variations held the key to solving another great problem in nautical navigation, the determination of longitude. Despite its crucial importance, the practical determination of longitude at sea had long eluded the best minds. Latitude was fairly easy to determine. But without accurate longitude, one could never be sure where one was on the ocean. Errors in longitude led to considerable loss of life and ships.
The maritime nation that could master longitude could more easily consolidate its command of the sea. The governments of all the maritime powers offered substantial prizes to anyone who could solve the longitude problem. In addition to money, the solution of longitude also promised great honor and prestige. Halley was convinced that the east-west changes in variation could be closely tied to changes in longitude. The idea was not new. It had been proposed several times during the course of the 17th century.
Halley proposed to the government that it fund a voyage around the world in order to measure and map the phenomenon of variation as away of determining longitude. Finally, in 1698, Halley set sail on the Paramore, a 52-ft. vessel built for the expedition. However, the Admiralty had reduced the geographic range of Halley’s investigation to the North and South Atlantic.
Halley’s only experience at sea had been as a passenger, And yet, in an astonishing move, the Royal Navy gave Halley command of the Paramore. Halley returned to England within a year. Shortly after his return, Halley set out on a second expedition to measure the magnetic variation. Halley’s charting took him within 200 miles of the Antarctic. In 1701, based on all the data gathered, Halley produced the world’s first isogonic chart of the North and South Atlantic Oceans. Throughout the first half of the 18th century, Halley continued to seek the solution to the longitude problem through magnetism. Efforts to use magnetic variation to solve the longitude problem stopped when reliable and accurate marine chronometers appeared toward the end of the 18th century. Nevertheless his chart was a great scientific achievement. To this day it is still used as a reference datum when geophysicists want to validate their magneto-hydrodynamic models of the Earth’s core.
A renowned astronomer, Halley became England’s second Astronomer Royal in 1720. He was actively involved in the development of diving bell technology. He developed predictive models of the tides. He did important work in meteorology. To Halley, we owe Isaac Newton’s groundbreaking work, the Principia. Halley encouraged Newton to organize and publish his ideas. When the Royal Society found itself unable to fund the publication of the Principia, Halley, at his own financial risk, put up the money. Halley and Newton remained lifelong friends. Halley’s achievements were indeed many. But to paraphrase one Halley biographer, while Newton was the man of gravity, Halley was the man of magnetism.
Note that the Australis Borealis appears to be emanating from a dark point here in this NASA footage from 2003
If you were to lay a map over this, you would notice it's exactly at the point of the South Pole
Swiss Mathematician Leonard Euler also proposed a Hollow Earth Theory.
Those who Claim they are all about the math and science, never seem to mention These scientists. Interesting?
Considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. . .
So Why are those poles so obscured?
Why told no one can fly over?
No one. . .or Only those Allowed, with approval and means?
How is it in modern day there all sorts of technological advancements, but no Clear Photos can be taken of the poles?
Check back in for a part 2
For those who ponder and have asked questions concerning 5G. ..this is an interesting article written by gbenga which should be considered.
Please remember in the hands of evil. . .tech is Used for evil, but in the hands of Good. . .
#Electromagnetism, #SpaceTimeDistortion, #InformationWar, #MagneticanomaliesOfEarth, #KristianBirkeland, #CathodeRays, #CathodeRayTubes, #CRTs, #LeonhardEuler, #AuroaBorealis, #AuroraAustralis, #Terrella
As per a FB post on this,
That's it. . .going to dig out my copy of Pachelbel's Canon aka Canon in D.
Time to get back to the classics and let them ring on ol'e Priscilla [my fam's beloved Upright].
I leave you with this wonderful NASA vid of the Aurora Borealis from space that is set to Canon in D. ..which is fitting as we study the inventor of the electromagnetic cannon.
You were likely aware that one of the BEST places to see them is in Norway.
As per Catholic Homeschool edu vid. . .
Kristian Birkeland, a famous Norwegian Scientist created a device called the Terrella, a magnetic sphere representing the earth.
Birkeland believed electrons from the sun caused the Aurora.
He laid the foundation for the ground work of the study of Northern Lights.
So are the sun and earth connected by more than just sun light and gravity?
The sun gives off charged particles called ions.
These ions travel out into space at 350 to 700km per second.
The gas or cloud created from these ions and electrons is called plasma.
The stream of plasma coming from the sun is known as the solar wind.
The sun's corona or outermost atmosphere continuously emits the solar wind.
A stream of electrically charged particles, mostly protons and electrons flowing out in all directions.
It is said that the Aurora's beautiful "curtains of light" are caused by particles flowing directly from the sun, but that is Not the case!
When a major solar storm interacts with the earth's magnetic field, it causes some parts of this field to rearrange itself, like rubber bands pulled to the breaking point.
The magnetic energy that is released causes powerful currents and particles to flow from distant parts of the magnetic field into the atmosphere.
These currents flow along the magnetic field flow into the polar regions and collide with nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the atmosphere.
The color of the Aurora depends on which gas. ..the nitrogen or oxygen is being excited by the electrons.
Oxygen emits either a greenish yellow light or a red light.
Nitrogen generally gives off a blue light.
The blending of these colors can also produce purples, pinks and whites.
The Terrella is a device that uses an electron gun similar to the one in a tube television.
The largest use is in cathode ray tubes (CRTs), used in nearly all television sets, computer displays and oscilloscopes that are not flat-panel displays. They are also used in field emission displays (FEDs).
In a cathode ray tube the electrons get aimed at the screen, where they light up the phosphor on the screen to create the image. The electron gun starts with a small heater, which is a lot like the hot, bright filament of a regular light bulb.
I'll do a Facebook Frames soon on the Wild Tell a Vision Box Kristian Birkeland envisioned to go right into the bedrock.
Now some claim. . .pertaining to the Rest of Birkeland's ideas. . [the inventor, astrologist and Physicist keep in mind]
It was the most awesome TV ever attempted, a doomed and never-realised invention that nonetheless puts all of today’s visual media to shame.
Which is an Interesting statement considering that for decades most people have had a Tell a Vision Box in their homes upon birth AND what is found in those underground bases like Iron Mountain, Cheyenne Mountain Comples. . .NORAD. . .North American Aerospace Defense Command?
Do you find any of this interesting?
I will be putting more connectors in the comments of this original post on my page.
Access by clicking the time stamp underneath my name if seen elsewhere.
Happy SUNday. ..SONday everyone on this day
Definitely worth a Look or a Listen. ..
Matthew 11:15
“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.”
Mark 8:18
Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
Who all out there REMEMBERS?