In place of the oil era comes Tesla

in electromobile •  9 years ago 

In the near future oil will be useless. That is why many countries are now increasing their production in order to sell stocks at $ 40, as will soon have to give it to 25 and then to 11 $.

Here are some facts and events pointing to the end of the hydrocarbon era

400 million electric vehicles will make unnecessary 14 million barrels of oil

The recent presentation of the Tesla Model 3, after which this electric demand soared, proved: the question is not whether there will a massive electrification of the global transportation, the only question is when it will happen?

By 2020, the number of electric vehicles on the roads worldwide will increase from the current 2 million to 13 million units. By this time, the demand for oil will decline by 0.52 million barrels per day.

Even after 5 years, when will be 40 million electric vehicles, the demand for oil will decline by 1.6 million barrels a day.

And further, the current growth rate of electric fleet will mean a catastrophic decline in oil consumption.

Global investment in renewable energy development hit record

In 2015, total investment in renewable energy in the world amounted to $ 329 billion were built capacity at 121 GW - both figures are record.

China spent a record $ 111 billion for the construction of infrastructure for the production of "clean" energy. This is 17% more than in 2014, and almost as much in total was invested in Europe.

According to the International Energy Agency, before the end of the decade China will have nearly 40% of the capacity growth and nearly a third of new investment in renewable energy.

Meanwhile, in Lithuania renewables already provide more than half the capacity for electricity generation and heating.

By the end of 2016 Lithuania plans to double its capacity in the field of wind energy, as well as increase the production of energy from biomass.

Investments in wind power are growing at a record pace

In the second quarter of electricity generation from wind energy in the United States continued to rise, approaching a record high.

According to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA), in Q2 2016 were commissioned wind turbines with a total capacity of 310 MW, which raised the total figure since the beginning of the year to 830 MW.

In Europe, growth is also expected large: from July 2016 to June 2017 will be invested in wind energy € 5,2 billion and to commission 1.4 GW of new capacity.

European offshore wind

According to the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), for the first six months of sea wind power has attracted a record € 14 billion of investment is more than for all of last year

The largest share of attracted investments - € 10.4 billion - accounted for the UK, which is the world's largest market for renewable energy technologies.

Tesla finally produced a Model 3 Release

Work on the design of the production version of "budget" electric Model 3 is completed.

In early June, Musk said that Tesla team will need 6 more weeks to finalize the design of the car.

The new electric car is the most affordable in the line of the company. Its price starts from a mark of $ 35,000.

Meanwhile, nearly 400 000 motorists have already placed pre-orders for the car by paying $ 1,000.

Tesla Capitalization two months to more than $ 32 billion

The market capitalization of US manufacturer Tesla Motors electric cars was 620 thousand. USD. For each car sold.

For comparison, the market capitalization of General Motors is about $ 48 billion.

Japan has made a breakthrough in energy without hydrocarbons

Japanese car giant Toyota has started mass production of the first car in the world with a hydrogen engine. New sedan Mirai fueled by hydrogen, which reacts in the fuel cell with oxygen from the air. The reaction is allocated electricity. Waste of such a reaction is the most ordinary water.

This technology provides a margin of about 550 km course, which is comparable with a conventional petrol car.

Panasonic will attract nearly $ 4 billion to invest in the production of batteries Gigafactory

Japanese electronics manufacturer Panasonic has announced plans to raise up to 400 billion yen (about US $ 3.9 billion).

The company has decided to resort to the placement of securities to obtain finance for investment in a joint project with Tesla Motors factory for the production of batteries.

Chinese manufacturer of solar panels build four electric

The Chinese company Hanergy Holding Group, which produces thin-film solar panels, has introduced four prototypes of electric vehicles in Beijing: Hanergy Solar - O, L, A and R.

Their main feature is that the entire surface of the car is covered with thin film solar panels. According Hanergy data, it will generate a coating of 8 to 10 kWh energy. That is, the electric car, standing for 5-6 hours in the sun, will be able to travel 80 km.

Mercedes presented the large-tonnage elektrogruzovik

Urban eTruck - elektrogruzovik for intercity traffic carrying capacity of 26 tons and a mileage of 200 km provided in Stuttgart.

Novelty has two motors of 125 kilowatts, the power provides a battery of 212 kilowatt-hours. Her charge is enough to Mercedes-Benz Urban eTruck drove a cargo of 26 tons at a distance of 200 kilometers.

Tesla Motors has officially opened for battery production plant for electric vehicles

July 26, 2016 the official opening of Gigafactory-1 ( "Gigafabrika") plant, which will produce batteries for elektromobley Tesla Motors.

Construction companies, which provide low-cost mass production of lithium batteries, began two years ago. It is planned that the scope of "Gigafabriki" in the near future will reach the volumes that allow batteries to provide up to half a million electric vehicles per year.

The company will be the largest-scale production of lithium batteries at a price one-third below the current global.

Porsche intends to create a competitor to Tesla S electric car

Porsche German company plans to establish a unit for the production of electric vehicles. The company's management intends to press with electric cars Tesla market.

For these purposes it will be allocated over a billion euros and created 1,400 new jobs.

US authorities will allocate $ 4.5 billion to build charging stations for electric vehicles

According to the authorities, as a result, in the United States a comprehensive infrastructure of charging stations will appear.

Hyundai will release a new hydrogen crossover for the Olympics 2018

The output of the new electric car Hyundai fuel cell priurochat the Winter Olympics, which will be held in South Korea in 2018.

In California, the plan to build the world's largest marine windfarm

Company of Seattle Trident Winds intends to build the largest offshore wind farm in the US, 40 km from the coast of California.

Project Trident Winds could meet the needs of 200 thousand. Households in energy.

Offshore wind power has gained considerable popularity in Europe and other parts of the world. UK, for example, has a set of 5 GW stations which cover 10% of the total electricity consumption in the country.

"Boeing": the first flight of the tobacco fuel

Airline South African Airways on July 22 held a flying airplane "Boeing 737-800" in the tobacco fuel. He flew from Johannesburg to Cape Town.

A new variety of non-nicotine tobacco, from which the biofuel was launched in the framework of "Solaris" project in Limpopo (South Africa).

Experts note that for the use of this fuel does not need to rebuild the engines.

In Las Vegas, completed the installation of a large array of solar panels on the roof in America

Giant solar system has been installed in a Las Vegas casino on the roof of the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

The array consists of 26 thousand. Of solar panels with a total capacity of 8.3 MW, which is a record for the United States.

Amsterdam metro will independently produce electricity from solar panels

In Amsterdam in the near future solar panels will be installed on the roofs of 19 above ground subway stations.

The total area of ​​the roof of the subway stations of Amsterdam is about 10 thousand square meters. This means that solar panels can be covered area equal to two football fields.

Placement of graphic panels is a joint initiative of the transport company GVB, the Amsterdam municipality and the City Region Amsterdam. The savings on electricity will be used for repair and maintenance of public transport in the city. And the energy generated by solar panels, will focus on the power of escalators and lighting metro stations.

The plane Solar Solar Impulse made a trip around the world

The aircraft Solar Impulse 2 engines which work exclusively on the energy generated by solar panels, flew from Cairo to Abu Dhabi.

To fly around the Earth, Solar Impulse took 2 to make 17 flights a total length of 42,000 km and a fly over by three seas and two oceans.

We are a team wanted to demonstrate that clean technology is demonstrating an incredible opportunity. Now you can fly without fuel longer than with fuel and fly with the help of the forces of nature, to fly to the sun. This is a new era for energy, and this is what we really want to inspire people, - he said at the end of travel is one of the pilots of Solar Impulse Bertrand Piccard 2.

He, together with co-pilot Andre Borshbergom worked on the project for about ten years.

Now, Picard says that in 10 years will be created elektrosamolety, capable of carrying 50 passengers on routes of short and medium range.

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Dig on the enthusiasm, but as a oil and tanker investor I'd like to raise some points about consumption.

Vehicles aren't the only place we consume oil and crude products. Plenty of hardware/tech, including solar panels, requires the consumption of oil to produce.

Current energy products are very cost prohibitive. A large portion of the U.S. Economy will not be able to afford a tesla or similar builds for several years.

The gigafactory is still being built. In fact the exterior had build suspended for several mo ths up until the unveiling. While Tesla has plenty of room and time to grow. It does raise suspicion.

Depending on administration it'll could be difficult to keep the tax credits for solar and wind pumping.

Developing and third world countries will increase their use of cheap energy (oil and coal) just as we did. As price drop consumption will increase finding us at an equilibrium.

Solar installation growth has stalled. Take a look at First Solar and whatever solar company Tesla owns and is trying to bail out.

While I expect oil prices to stay sub $60, they'll be in use for years to come. Where they're used is the only thing that will change.