Inkplate 6 ESP32 Wireless e-Paper Display Recycles Kindle E-reader (Crowdfunding)

in embedded •  5 years ago 

Inkplate 6 wireless display is made from recycled e-Paper display taken from a used Amazon Kindle E-reader and adds WiFi (and Bluetooth) connectivity thanks to an ESP32-WROVER module featuring Espressif Systems ESP32 dual-core processor.

The 6" e-Paper display can easily be updated over WiFi, and used for a variety of applications or projects such as high-latency digital signage displays, collaborative task trackers, e-Paper typewriters, open-hardware E-readers, art projects and so on.

Recycled Kindle eReader Wireless Display
Click to Enlarge

Inkplate 6 specifications:

  • ESP32-WROVER wireless module
    • ESP32 dual-core Tensilica LX6 processor @ 240 MHz
    • 8MB RAM, 4MB flash
    • Connectivity - 802.11

The full article can be found @
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