Actually, this is really smart to launch now.
The start of e-sports I believe is really starting to kick in now, the advertiser money is starting to flood in, content creators are getting picked up by platforms as ‘assets’ to their businesses in terms of reach but only as a way to advertise their own platforms (if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for you kinda thing)
Welcome to Ember. The social network designed by gamers, for gamers. A place to find like-minded individuals, where you can share your content, games and much more. It doesn’t matter if you’re a part-time or pro gamer; content creator or cosplayer; developer or artist - all are welcome!
With high end gamers and content creators being the currency in the coming years then it’s fair to say that chances are like the NFL and other Leagues in the world we are going to see transfers and moves from one place to another, from one platform and it’s tech to another — in the process of that you can loose a bit of traction with every move if the community has to move with you, especially when it comes to chat and engaging with the social media channels.
Ember solves a little bit of that by being the social network in between for gamers, it’s clean, simple and does what it says on the tin — I especially liked the fact that I got a code from reviewhunt to get access into the platform. Once again review.hunt.town showing it’s usefulness.