If there is one thing you could tell the world – what would it be?

in empowerment •  7 years ago  (edited)

Imagine that you are standing in front of a crowd of tens of thousands of people. You look down and you see your own two feet and your hands holding a microphone. You look ahead and there are hundreds of curious, open eyed faces, all looking at you, waiting. There is silence and an expectation in the air.


What do you say? What is your message? What is ONE thing that you want to share with these people? You have so much power right now. The stage is yours. Are you trembling in anxiety with your head empty or are you standing steady and ready to jump as a mountain lion, knowing exactly what to tell the world? The moment is yours. Choose your message and say it.


Now, if you have imagined what that one thing would be, I want you to analyze it a bit and ask yourself these questions:

• Was it empowering?
• Was it necessary?
• Was it useful?
• Was it kind?
• Was it loving?

I hope you could answer „yes” to all or at least most of these questions as this little imagination game reviels a lot about where you are in your life and how much you understand it. Because there really is a degree of life understanding. You can be wise or you can have no idea how it works for now. No one will ever get the whole picture and understand it completely. Life in itself is a mysterious and ever unfolding thing. But you may be able to grasp a small percentage of that mystery and really get the most out of it. But if you don’t, there is no rush. You have plenty of time to figure it out, even if people tell you otherwise, and enjoy your journey along the way - isn’t it what this all is about?


I bet some of you are wondering – what would be my message?

Well, I would say – always follow your inner guidance. Your inner voice. It knows. No one else can decide your life for you as they do not know your path. They haven’t tasted your gifts, your heights, your challenges, your sorrow, your joy and your unique imprint. They haven’t walked your path. Only you have full access to that. Sometimes that inner voice hardly whispers, sometimes it screams. You have to learn how to tune into it. Pay attention. Ask it questions. And then... Listen.


With love,
Annija xxx

Photo credits:

  1. Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash
  2. Photo by Kevin Bluer on Unsplash
  3. Photo by Shreekar P on Unsplash
  4. Photo by John Mark Arnold on Unsplash
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Inspirational piece. We each have our own path and life mission but many of us end up on the wrong road and forget our true nature. Your writing is a gentle nudge. Wishing you well along your way xox

The good news is that we can wander infinitely far away from our path but there will always be millions of ways to get back on it. And because there is no time limit, you can't really mess it up or get it wrong - ever. You can always tune in to your true self and start over again from any point in existence. Wishing you well too and thank you for your wonderful feedback! <3 xxx

We all need gentle reminding from time to time. Thank you for the slight nudge today. Well written piece.

Thank you for reading! :)