Homeschooling and homesteading with a chronic invisible illness

in endometriosis •  7 years ago 

It is hard to focus when the sharp stabbing pains start. When they die down the radiating pain that doesn’t ease starts.

Homeschooling while in pain is difficult. I have to take care of them and myself. I try to passify the pain as much as I can.
But there are days, like today, where I will have two heating pads running and a pain pill in my system. But it still doesn’t touch the pain. The pain is still there, it still hurts.
So what do I do when I am in a painful haze, I take the day off. I have the kids do self lead learning close by my “camp site”.

Homesteading with this is painful. If I walk or stand for to long my belly swells and inflame all my lower organs. I will get the “pregnancy belly” look thanks to endometriosis.

I have two invisible illnesses that cause pain. PCOS and endometriosis.

The PCOS makes my ovaries swell, causing pain in the front and back of my body. Causing pressure, worse if the ovary ruptures.

The endometriosis spreads like a weed. But this weed never goes away, even with surgery. Surgery just slows it’s return, but causes more issues later on.
My endometriosis has wrapped around my bowels, bladder, sciatic nerve and I am sure many other areas that are too taboo to talk about.
My belly has been so sore and tender I can’t lay on my belly, not flat anyways.
I have to have three different sizes of clothes to compensate for the swelling.

The pain and fatigue caused by chronic pain is immense.
These are just mine, there are those who also have invisible illnesses. But since they have to do with the female reproductive system it shouldn't be talked about. Like the massive support on my post about period shame.

Depression, anxiety, PTSD are non physical but can and do cause pain. Also physical ones, bone spurs for example. Military people but their bodies through the grinder. They get compressed discs, bone spurs, exposed to chemicals that have an effect on their cells. The military personal sacrificed their lives for those who are fortunate enough to be well off and not join.

So we shouldn’t judge just by looks, ether should doctors.

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Yes... chronic pain is horrible; especially when it just pops up and you can't prepare for it.

Depression, anxiety, PTSD are non physical but can and do cause pain

YES!! I call ones like this the invisible pain problems. I suffer from anxiety also due to my auto-immune disease and some days, the anxiety gets to my psyche more than anything else.

Chronic pain is never easy to live with. I know several people with different problems that cause chronic pain.

So do I. 😢
My mother has endometriosis and her doctors always said the pain was in her head. Like she was crazy, because it wasn’t a visible external problem.
My husband is exmilitary and his back gives him problems sometimes. Same with some ex military friends, one fell three stories onto his freaking head. He hasn’t been quite right since.
It sucks. You are always in pain and you just kinda get use to the pain.
You learn to deal with it because there is nothing anyone can do.
My example story: You tell a doctor and they give you opioids, then tell you to see a pain management “specialist”. Yeah like a pain management “specialist” would know anything about endometriosis, especially a guy.
There have been studies don’t that show patients lie about their pain level, mostly to get a doctor to notice. But unfortunately there are those who abuse the system, all because a doctor got them addicted.

Wow sorry didn’t mean to write a book for a response. I am just tired of the pain. I am starting to look forward to menopause.

I had an ovarian cyst rupture last night - I recognized that sharp short pain in the ovary from it happening once before years ago. Knock on wood, I am feeling okay this morning, but I'm just saying this because on some level I know how it sucks. After having babies, hormones and ovaries are inconvenient. Or worse than inconvenient. Hope you feel better soon.

People that homeschool through pain are tough as nails. That's what I've told myself at bedtime before.

Glad your feeling better today. When that happens it sucks!
When mine rupture it takes me to my knees. Nine years later I had a surgery to remove the cysts, one ovary was the size of a grape fruit the other an orange. It’s been ten years since then, I have the ache but no rupture yet.
It seems my entire endocrine system is inconvenient.
Dude I have a tumor on my pituitary gland, it has supposedly shrunk. But with what’s going on, I’m starting to wonder.

When it come to homeschooling I feel like I fail because the pain weakens me.

Man, you've got your share of crap. I hope you get to feeling better soon.

The awesome thing about homeschooling is that there is so much to be learned without any instruction. Including seeing their mother cope with life. I'm sure they are doing fine.

It’s better then it was yesterday, still painful. You know that pain that’s hurts but isn’t enough to make you cry. The nagging pain. Yeah that’s me today. So it could always be worse, always.

Yeah they are learning about life that’s for sure. No sugar coating here.

I also have endometriosis. My pain is much better now that I am much older. I was also told that my pain would get better after surgery. It did not. My doctor said that my endometriosis was the worst that he had seen. I was also told that it would go away after I had kids. It did not. With both, it got better for a while, but came back just as bad. I remember my doctor asking if my endometriosis was bad enough that it put me in bed. I also remember the look on his face when I explained to him, as a young girl, that I didn't have time for that. I would be in bed every day. I did not let it slow me down until the pain was so bad that I passed out.

I agree that nobody talks about it for some reason. I had one friend in college that had it, but I am not aware of any of my other friends having it. And nobody really understands that pain unless she lives with it everyday. I'm sorry that you have to go through that.

Your kids are fortunate to have you as their teacher. You are teaching them so much more than the daily lessons that you had intended to teach.

Man that’s messed up. 😢
I really don’t like or trust doctors, from what my mom and I have gone through.
We are not guinea pigs!
Also thanks, I try my best, but even homeschoolers have to take the last test to get their diploma. I am worried that they won’t be able to pass it. The “knowledge” they teach in public school doesn’t even get used 80% of the time. But they want us to have it for that hypothetical 20%.
I got my GED with a 10 grade education, public school failed me. Long sad story, it truly is. Anyways, thanks 💗

My heart goes out to you @alaskahippie. How debilitating and frustrating. @canadianrenegade says you have triplets! That already makes you a superwoman! How do you cope with three and the terrible pain?

Yeah the rumor is true, I have a trio.
As to your question on how I do it. I just have to. No one else is going to step up, so I do it. That’s how it always has been.

I keep bumping into people with chronic pain. It's either affecting more people than before or people are just being more open about it. You are an amazing woman to push through despite the pain and raise awareness on top of it.

Depression, anxiety, PTSD are non physical but can and do cause pain.
Yes! Far too many people are affected by this as well. I know that coming home to a tiny house with the newborn twins definitely took a toll on my mental health. Having to deal with 5 days of hospital foolery probably didn't help the situation either. Doctors can be so focused on wanting to be right, that they make their patients more sick. At least, that's what happened to me.

I wish I could offer you a solution, a way to escape or be rid of the pain but I do not have any answers. I do hope that you find a way to at least manage and hopefully be rid of it one day. I hope the trio is helping take care of their amazing mama! -Aimee

Thanks 💗
One of the temporary/short-long term treatments is temporary menopause. I have been fighting Tooth and nail to avoid it, but I am to the point I am considering it.
When menopause happens it shrinks the Endo, but I am not sure what happens with PCOS.
The kiddos are great, I think they enjoy my sick days because I veg-out with the heating pads and don’t wanna move.

I really don’t like docs.

Yikes! I can't imagine early menopause. I imagine that would come with its own host of side effects too. I remember getting g hot flashes while pregnant and thinking, if this is a glimpse into menopause, I don't want it. I bet those kids love vegging out with their mama. I am not a fan of the doctors either. -Aimee

What’s strange is when I was pregnant I never had morning sickness, well once but that was two weeks after fertilization. When I was pregnant I felt NORMAL! Like my body was at peace! No internal wars where faught, it was amazing! Then after I had the kids and the hormone dump, my body freaked out. Everything came back with vengeance.
Anyways, I made my first real batch of RSO, I plan on using it for the pain. Who knows maybe it will help with more then just the pain. 🤞