Steem Community Effort To End The FedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in endthefed •  8 years ago 

I invite you to research, discuss, and share!

Post and resteem using the hashtags: #endthefed and #fedchallenge

“Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce.” – President James A. Garfield (1831-1881)

The reason I subscribed to steemit a month ago was to amplify the efforts to END THE FED (which is also part of the worldwide effort to end central banking in all regions).

Even though the Federal Reserve System may be a walking zombie, dead but not know it yet, so many individuals are still supporting and feeding the beast system.

Stop Feeding The Beast

Imagine if the people in a massive grassroots effort practiced peaceful, nonviolent, noncompliance.
Yes, indeed the system will halt and acknowledge the truth.
We, the People, are the change we have been searching for!

End The Fed will happen.
Not by protests, rather by noncompliance.

I see some comments and posts about ending the fed, should we follow each other and amplify our efforts?


Please comment that you want to End The Fed and I will include your profile page to a compiled List for posting.
I see many membership drives such as teamAustralia and others, so then - why not team endthefed?
Have fun with it, make memes, grow a membership base, and laugh at the deceivers at the FED. LOL 😃

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What do you think about that idea?

#endthefed team could be some enjoyable fun with jokes, memes, and important factual information aimed at ending the fed.

Team #endthefed 🏛🔥

Nice image (institution and flames) I don't know how you did that, but I like it 👍