15 amazing information about energy

in energy •  7 years ago 

Neither humans nor living beings can live without energy, so as to make things clear here, nothing can work, move or even exist without a picture of energy! We have chosen here 15 information that will tell you about energy!

          1. In the United States of America, the amount of energy consumed to operate the air conditioners about 20% of the total energy consumed in America all! The United States is the world's second-largest energy consumer and relies on oil for 36%, natural gas 24.6%, coal 20.8%, nuclear power 8.4%, and renewable energy 8%.

           2. There are some prisons in Brazil that allow for a reduction in the sentences of prisoners, in return for doing sports exercises on special bicycles that provide some villages with electricity! The prison administration gives inmates an opportunity to reduce their sentences by switching to electricity-generating degrees. The prisoner can commute one day of his sentence for 3 days of 8-hour switching.


          3. Sweden rotates the garbage in an ideal way as it is converted into fuel used in heating and power generation, so much so that it has to import some of the garbage from European countries and specifically from Norway to keep the work of power plants from garbage!

           4. Almost a quarter of the amount of electricity produced in Brazil is produced from one factory!

         5. More than half of Switzerland's energy is generated by water use, and the rest by clean nuclear power plants, making the power generation there free from harmful emissions!

          6. None of the Titanic's engineers survived, because they remained on the ship trying to keep electricity running for power, lighting and pumps for as long as possible so people could get out!

          7. There is a special power station in Britain, all its function to work during the advertising breaks when people run water boilers to prepare tea!

          8. For clean energy, nuclear power is cleaner than solar energy. But wind and water power come first!

         9. Almost half of America's nuclear power is generated from nuclear warheads booked from the Soviet Union!

         10. In October 2013, on the 28th day, wind energy exceeded 122% of Denmark's needs!

          11. The spacecraft Kiorosti derives its energy from a very small nuclear reactor, just enough to operate a ceiling fan!

          12. France produces energy from nuclear power plants in such a large quantity that it exports from it!

          13. In the 1970s, Russia built a nuclear-powered lighthouse, currently two of its reactors are missing!


           14. Since the 1970s, the use of nuclear energy has saved the lives of 2 million people as a result of reducing air pollution!

          15. In just six hours, the planet's deserts absorb enough energy from the sun equivalent to what humans may consume in a year! In addition, the sun pumps more energy than all the energy used by humans throughout history. The most amazing thing is that the amount of energy pumped by the largest star in the universe "Canice the Great" per second exceeds the energy generated by the sun since its inception!

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