Gas stove ban in New York.

in energy •  2 years ago 


By my rough, but I think fairly conservative, calculations*, the cost of forcing New York gas stove users to switch to electricity is between $18 and $23 billion.

The difference depends on how many choose induction stoves over standard gas stoves, as gas ban advocates are unrealistically advocating (sure, middle and lower income people are going to spend another $1,000 or so after the thousands spent on electrical upgrades). The bulk of the cost is upgrading lines and circuits, which most will need to do regardless of which stove they get.

These are numbers the state hasn't calculated and doesn't really want known, given that a strong majority of gas stove users don't want to switch and a supermajority of New Yorkers are concerned about the affordability of the state's climate policies.

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Since when did cost matter to #newspeakliberal?

@tipu curate 8