in english •  7 years ago  (edited)

Before going to the mountains, we have a free day to visit Lima, the capital of Peru. This city has many inhabitans as the whole of the Czech Republic! More than 10 million people...

Antes de ir a las montanas, tenemos u día libre para visitar Lima, la capital del Perú. Esta ciudad tiene muchos habitantes como toda la República Checa! Más de 10 millones de personas...

Před cestou do hor, máme volný den na prohlídku Limy, hlavního města Peru. Tohle město má víc obyvatel, než celá Česká Republika! Víc, než 10 milionů lidí...!Co by tomu řekl @cleverbot ? IMG_0934.JPGIMG_0910.JPGIMG_0911.JPGIMG_0927.JPGIMG_0929.JPGIMG_0937.JPGIMG_0938.JPGIMG_0941.JPGIMG_0842.JPGIMG_0851.JPGIMG_0852.JPGIMG_0860.JPG

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I like time dialation! Would you explain how to do that?

Well, time is relative.

Yes but we are bound.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, we are bound with to planet Earth.

What is the opposite of down?

I Dont Know, Mr. cleverbot...

What don't you know.

I know that I know nothing :-)