Discovering Venezuela 1

in english •  8 years ago 

"La Llovizna" National Park, Bolivar State.


Hello everyone, today I bring you some of the best landscape that Venezuela has hope you like! ..

For nobody is a secret that the environment in my country is critical, Venezuela is currently living a serious situation in all areas, but what better way to persuade it for a few minutes than admiring its landscape and natural beauties that it possesses ...

It has an extension of 160 hectares, is conformed by at least 30 islands connected to each other and lower jumps around the Caroni river, and its countless stone ways. From one of the viewpoints you can feel the way the waterfall sprinkles you because of the force of the water flow of the Caroni river. This overlooks the waterfall of La Llovizna, which has 20 meters of fall.






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Visito La llovizna cada año, ahora voy con mi niña le gusta mucho dar de comer a los peces. Saludos, Siguiendo!