Although "Captain Tsubasa" is currently not very popular in my country, in the '90s many teenagers were Misaki, Tsubasa, Kojiro or Wakabayashi. As in the case of DB, when Tsubasa started on Polonia 1, or later on Polsat 2 (Polish TV stations), most of the children disappeared from the streets and we sat in front of the TV sets. After a few broadcasts, the hype dropped slightly + "Aoki Densetsu Shoot!" Appeared, which took over older and more ambitious viewers. "Ball in the game" has never convinced me, but it's probably because I have never been interested in this field of sport. From the perspective of the years, I'm not at all surprised, Tsubasa is closer to some battlegroup published in the WSJ, and sports themes are only a tool for building the characters' personalities and their development.
What does the old version look like in comparison with the new one? Poorly and apart from individual things (e.g. opening), I definitely prefer the one from 2018. Although they have moved the tournament in Europe to a possible continuation (I did not check carefully, I looked at the names of the episodes from Wikipedia and reviewed the episodes on YT, I do not want to spoil myself), but they shortened the events from 95-115 episodes to 52. They cut a lot of extensions (mainly internal monologues of the heroes, artificial extension of some scenes, which was manifested, for example, by the fact that the gate often appeared from behind the horizon) and updated some things (tablets, characters they use new means of communication, it is good that they have at least partly retained the trainer's passion for alcohol). Fortunately, they did not try to mix too much in the case of climate - if I turned a blind eye to changing graphics and better animation, I would not feel much difference. It's still the same, uncomplicated and slightly infantile fairy tale. This is due to, among others from a good, close to the original casting or soundtrack that evokes my association with the 1983 series.
If it wasn't for the fact that I like Tsubasa's heroes and are interested in their fate, I would rather not have the motivation to watch. Not because anime sucks or something. I'm just too old and the story is too childish for a 29-year-old. Although not all-important players have known voice actors (such as Wakabayashi, Tsubasa, or Ishikazi), they try as hard as their experienced colleagues. E.g. Kojiro Hyuuga, played by Takuya Satou. There are not too many important roles in your portfolio (it can be associated mainly with "Cardfight !! Vanguard" or the role of Caesar Zeppeli from "Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure"), as a rule, he is responsible for these less significant characters. He perfectly embodied the impetuous and testosterone-laden young man. Another example is a karate-man voice actor, not very popular (the voice of the title character from "Goblin Slayer" or Gorou from "Darlin in the franXX"). Like Kojiro, I didn't need much to like him as much as Ken from 1983.
As characters are the biggest advantage for me, so fantastic is the irritation on the pitch. When I thought about the content of this text, I searched deep in my mind to remember similar fairy tales. Even "Kuroko no Basket" is more real, not to mention "Hajime no Ippo", which for a long time was a good mix of fiction and a realistic approach to sport. Some of you may say that the above-mentioned manga are similarly unreal - I do not agree with this claim (although I can agree that Kurosz is trying to pretend to be a serious fairy tale, unlike Tsubasa, who never pretended to be). First of all, because youngsters are putting off impossible feats for 12-13-year-olds. As far as I can agree that some acrobatics / moves would be possible in certain situations or that there are young people who demonstrate extraordinary talent (e.g. my friend from junior high school, who trained in a local club called Gornik Polkowice, had a highly developed "pitch intelligence", he knew where must set up, to whom to pass, etc.), most of the Tsubasa actions are science-fiction. Watching some local championships on TV, as if it were a World Cup, viewers read the situation perfectly from TV screens (and they can easily assess how they are holding on the pitch), footballers jump 3-5 meters up, some kick so hard, that they push others into the goal, others drift by slides (this skill of the players from the original Kojiro team), the acrobatics of the Tachiban brothers and their followers are just the tip of the iceberg. Yes, already in episode KnB there were eggs due to the X-ray look of Riko Aida, and with each subsequent episode there was more and more of it, but this is not the scale. If you don't show too much tolerance for such ideas, you may feel embarrassed at some points.
When it comes to line and music, it's much better. The warmth of nostalgia made itself felt after a few minutes of the first episode. As the next ones showed, David Production knows well how to faithfully translate a classic title for a new generation. Thanks to the line, voice actors and music, I felt like I was going back 15-20 years. There are worse episodes, a few times they were poorly animated, and with 2 episodes they were underdeveloped in terms of editing, but overall it was good. Not really outstanding, because there were not too many well-made episodes, but I don't have much to fault. Worse episodes are inscribed in the cost of multi-story stories, and the most important matches (or at least most of them) were made noticeably better against the background of less important events. I think both older fans and new ones will like this series. The first ones will probably appreciate the fragments made in the style of the old series - I do not know about you, but it happened to me several times that I said to myself "damn it used to be!"
To sum up, "Captain Tsubasa 2018" is not a fairy tale that I will remember in 10-15 years (like DB, HxH or GitS). The series makes me feel better, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time with it, but if you don't have nostalgic memories or have seen too many fairy tales and "only good" anime doesn't give you enough satisfaction, then the remake may not appeal to you. Although the characters are charismatic and quite interestingly written, they are not very complicated, and their character development is not very exciting. The plot does not offer too much - it's linear, childish, sometimes screenwriters are tempted to some interesting plot, but it does not last too long. I recommend it moderately, and if you do not like sports or are looking for a good fairy tale of this genre, I advise against. There are better positions to start with. I rate Captain Tsubasa at +7/10 - a plus for strong nostalgia in a dozen or so moments.