in english •  7 years ago  (edited)

It is a very rich and creamy fruit, it is a delight that I love very much. My grandmother says that it is very special to maintain a healthy heart, it serves for cancer, anti-inflammatory, controls blood pressure, for hair; its seed was used by the elderly, for dandruff, to tone and exfoliate the skin, to prevent aging, to reduce inflammation of the prostate.

With the avocado can be prepared: salads, creams, guasacacas, juices, cream baths among others.

Dear friends, knowing their properties try to consume it, which brings many health benefits.

Thank you very much for your visit, see you later. "Do not forget to comment and vote."

Many thanks to my friend @ paradise-found for the footnote of my blog

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those avocados look big!
all the ones i've had are smaller 😆
but they're awesome..

Sí amigo según mi tío eso depende de la fertilidad de la tierra y algunas veces de la clase de aguacate muchas gracias por tu apoyo @roundbeargames

I love avocado's!! They taste so good, even on a sandwich!!
I'm so happy you like the footer!!
Big Hugs!!

Sí Amigo el aguacate es muy rico en vitamina y lo podemos comer de varias formas estoy muy agradecida con usted por haberme crea mi pie de página mil gracias

Yo quería ayudarte Tengo una hija de Honduras Puedes ser otro nieto para mí. ¡¡Dios te bendiga mi amigo!! Llámame Papa Bear.

I love avocados, they are so expensive in the states though.