the beauty

in enjoying •  7 years ago  (edited)

the beauty of this universe can not be denied anymore because it is already contained in the great scripture book ... have you ever imagine when you are in a closed room you certainly can not breathe with it but if in the wild then you can breathe in the air freely ... but it is all destroyed if we cut down all the trees ... then please for friends of friends who are here please guard nature preservation because with nature we can get fresh air ... but you try to imagine if all that h2o we buy then we all certainly can not buy it because we all always need fresh air and will die if there will be no air ....
indahnya semesta ini tak dapat kita pungkiri lagi karena hal itu sudah tercantum dalm kitab kitab suci yang besar... pernahkah anda bayangkan ketika anda dalam ruangan yang tertutup rapat pasti anda tidak dapat bernafas dengannya tetapi kalau di alam bebas maka anda dapat menghirup udaranya dengan leluasa... tetapi itu semua musnah kalo kita menebang semua pohon... maka tolong bagi sahabat sahabat yang ada disini tolong jagalah kelestarian alam karna dengan adanya alam kita dapat memperoleh udara yang segar... tapi coba anda bayangkan kalau semua h2o itu kita belimaka kita semua pasti tidak dapat membelinya karna kita semua selalu membutuhkan udara yang segar dan akan mati kalau tidak akan adanya udara....

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awesome is he who created this,i tell you...
beautiful handi-work of the i am that i am

this is our village just plain aja boss ga da what what compared to your area .... if you want to come here blah silahhkan ...