Join the enterapp Pre-Sale and Shape the Future of Finance

in enterapp •  last month  (edited)

Warren Buffett once advised, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful." This advice fits well in cryptocurrency, especially with the enterapp pre-sale. enterapp is introducing new crypto banking tools. It lets you easily deal with cryptocurrency through its wallet and DApp. Now, thanks to enterapp working with Visa and Mastercard, mobile DeFi is simpler.

The enterapp pre-sale offers $ENTY tokens at $0.001 each. They are expected to be worth $0.05 in the public sale. That's a huge potential growth for those who get in early. However, the pre-sale isn't just an investment chance. It’s a way to change the future of how we use money. With enterapp, you can spend your crypto on regular items and DeFi activities. This puts you in the lead of the crypto banking movement.


Key Takeaways:

The $ENTY token's pre-sale price is just $0.001, with a potential 50X gain when it reaches $0.05 during the public sale.

enterapp’s crypto banking tools let you easily deal with crypto for things like buying, selling, swapping, and everyday buys.

By joining the pre-sale, you’re among the early investors in the new age of decentralized banking and finance.

enterapp ensures security, transparency, and fairness, including KYC checks and whale protection.

The $ENTY token is useful in real life, allowing you to make payments, travel, and join DeFi actions on the enterapp platform.

Don't let this chance to shape the crypto banking future slip away. Join the enterapp pre-sale and establish your role in finance tomorrow.

What is enterapp?

enterapp, by EntyLabs, is making a difference in how we handle it . It introduces a and a . This neobank uses Web3 and blockchain to give us decentralized mobile banking. It holds a non-custodial multi-chain wallet, for easy token trades, and for daily use. enterapp offers a fresh choice against traditional banks. It focuses on safety, transparency, and user-friendliness.

enterapp by EntyLabs: Revolutionizing Crypto Banking

This platform changes how users use everyday items. It links directly to fast spending. is a mobile bank where users handle digital money anytime. Its wallet keeps your money safe. With the DEX aggregator, handling is simple. It's all about being convenient and in control right at your fingertips.

Non-custodial Wallet and WEB3 Neobank DApp

The key features of enterapp, the and , give users top security and management over their digital money. This way, people can deal with their finances without the usual banks. It's about giving users power over their money in a different way.

Buy, Sell, Swap, and Use Crypto for Everyday Purchases

With enterapp, users can easily make regular purchases, like food or travel. It's a big step in bringing digital money into our daily routines. This move helps spread the use of and .

Visa & Mastercard Integrations

The enterapp lets users turn digital coins into standard money for buying things. This bridge between digital and regular finance makes using it easy in everyday life. It makes digital funds usable in usual transactions.

Why Invest in the $ENTY Token Pre-Sale?

The $ENTY token pre-sale is a great chance to get ahead. You'll be in on the crypto banking wave early, trying out enterapp's new mobile platform first. Being an early user means you can shape how DeFi and crypto banking evolve. You become a pioneer, influencing the future.

50X Potential Profit: Pre-sale Price is $0.001

At the pre-sale, the $ENTY token's price is just $0.001. Yet, it's expected to hit $0.05 in the public sale. This means you could make a 50X profit. It’s an excellent crypto and decentralized banking investment. With $ENTY, you get access to enterapp's services like crypto payments, lending, and DeFi borrowing. Its broad use in the world of crypto banking makes $ENTY a solid pick.

Public Sale Price is $0.05

Joining the $ENTY token pre-sale means getting a headstart in the crypto banking future. You could see a 50X increase by investing early. In the pre-sale, you become part of the enterapp ecosystem, known for its innovative non-custodial wallet and WEB3 Neobank DApp. It offers easy integration of crypto into your daily life.

enterapp Token Pre-Sale: Secure Your Crypto Banking Future at 50X Gains

The enterapp token pre-sale is your early ticket into mobile crypto banking. You can buy $ENTY tokens now at a great price. Buying now means you might get more value for your money later. During this pre-sale, you could make up to 50 times your investment in future gains.

Participating in the $ENTY pre-sale is easy and safe. First, go to the website and register. Then, finish your KYC check. This process makes sure everything is legal and secure.

Secure and Transparent Investment

The enterapp token pre-sale is safe and clear for investors. There are protections in place for everyone. You need to complete a KYC (Know Your Customer) verification to join. This way, you know your investment is real and secure. It's an opportunity where everyone gets a fair deal.

whale-protected rules

There is a cap on how much each person can invest. This prevents anyone from having too much power over the token supply. Plus, the team ensures a level field for all, avoiding manipulation.

no team tokens

There are no special team tokens here. This means the token distribution is equal and open. The enterapp team values security and honesty. They work hard to earn the trust of their investors. Their goal is to create a reliable, open crypto banking world.

Real-World Utility of $ENTY Token

The $ENTY token is key to enterapp's user-focused crypto banking. It makes digital coins easier to use in everyday spending. Users can switch from crypto to fiat for transactions thanks to $ENTY.


With the $ENTY token, users can easily spend digital assets in daily purchases. They can use it through enterapp's connections with Visa and Mastercard.


The $ENTY token supports travel payments. This includes booking flights and hotels using crypto. It makes cryptos more useful and enhances digital asset management.


Users can also use the $ENTY token for DeFi services on enterapp. This includes lending and borrowing. With $ENTY, users can explore crypto financial services safely.

The $ENTY token is essential in enterapp, supporting many financial tasks. Its role continues to expand, benefiting users' financial needs.

enterapp Pre-Sale Details

The $ENTY token has 10,000,000,000 (10B) tokens in total. For the pre-sale, 820,000,000 $ENTY tokens are up for grabs. This is 8.2% of all tokens. After this, 100,000,000 $ENTY will be available in a public sale, which is 1%.

After both sales, $ENTY tokens will be on DEXs. The enterapp team will add $ENTY to more DEXs, making trading easier. These details are key for investors. They offer a chance to gain up to 50 times their initial investment. This can lead to a bright future in the crypto banking world.



Total Token Supply

10,000,000,000 (10B) $ENTY tokens

Pre-sale Token Allocation

820,000,000 $ENTY tokens (8.2% of total supply)

Public Sale Token Allocation

100,000,000 $ENTY tokens (1% of total supply)

Pre-sale Token Price

$0.001 per $ENTY token

Expected Public Sale Token Price

$0.05 per $ENTY token

Potential Gains (Pre-sale to Public Sale)

Up to 50X

The enterapp pre-sale is a great chance for crypto investors. They can lock in gains by buying at the pre-sale price of $0.001. Later, they can sell at the higher public sale price of $0.05.

Marketing Partners and Community

The enterapp pre-sale has joined forces with Bountyportal, a top marketing partner in the crypto world. Their collaboration boosts enterapp's efforts in building a strong brand and community for its crypto banking platform. As the official marketing partner, Bountyportals aims to enhance the visibility and appeal of the enterapp project. Their expertise benefits both investors and tech enthusiasts.

Bountyportals: Official Marketing Partner

Bountyportal, a leading marketing firm in the crypto space, is now an ally to enterapp. This partnership highlights enterapp's dedication to community building and platform awareness. Bountyportals specializes in marketing and engaging with communities. Its involvement will attract more interest to the enterapp pre-sale and ecosystem.

Growing Community on Social Media

enterapp's community is rapidly growing on Twitter, Telegram, and Discord. The team actively engages with supporters and potential investors to create an inviting environment. This strategy reflects enterapp's long-term goals and its aspirations for the adoption of its crypto banking platform.

enterapp: Features and Benefits

The enterapp platform offers features that make banking with crypto easy and secure. Users can move their digital money safely without middlemen. This makes banking with crypto both safe and reliable.

Seamless and Trustless Transactions

The enterapp platform lets users make crypto transactions smoothly and without worries. Thanks to blockchain tech, people can send their digital cash directly. This approach makes managing crypto assets safe and simple.

Vesting Schedule Mechanism

For investors, enterapp set up a smart vesting schedule for the $ENTY token. This plan encourages long-term interest and growth. It connects investors' success to the platform's future, creating a win-win situation.

With features like protection from large investors and verifying users, enterapp aims to serve everyone. The mission is to provide a trusted place for managing crypto finance. This way, people can build their financial future with confidence.

How to Buy $ENTY Tokens

Visit to start buying $ENTY tokens. First, check out the info on the token pre-sale. Then, connect your wallet, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.

This setup lets you safely join the $ENTY pre-sale. When your wallet is linked, you can buy $ENTY tokens for $0.001 each. This is a great chance for early investors to possibly increase their investment by 50 times.

Being part of the pre-sale means diving into the enterapp ecosystem early. You get a head start on the future of crypto banking.

The enterapp token pre-sale gives investors a unique opportunity. They can secure their crypto banking future and perhaps gain 50X. By participating, you enter the enterapp ecosystem. This system is changing the game with its advanced technology.

This includes a non-custodial wallet, a WEB3 Neobank DApp, and easy crypto use in daily life. The $ENTY token is very useful, from buying things for traveling to DeFi tasks. It's an excellent choice for those into crypto.

The enterapp pre-sale ensures a safe, clear investment journey. It involves checks like KYC and shields against big investors. It's a great chance to help shape the future of decentralized finance. Be part of the crypto banking evolution early. You might experience crypto investing opportunities with a 50X boost.

Joining the $ENTY token pre-sale isn't just about money. It's about being a pioneer in DeFi neobanking. This is your shot to help create a new era in banking and finance with crypto.

What is enterapp?

enterapp, by EntyLabs, is changing how we do banking with crypto. It has a wallet and a DApp neobank. This lets people easily handle crypto, including buying, selling, and using it for purchases. It works smoothly with Visa and Mastercard.

What are the key features of the enterapp platform?

The platform offers a non-custodial wallet and a DEX aggregator. These make swapping tokens and using DeFi easy. Plus, it has crypto debit cards for everyday transactions.

It aims to be secure and user-friendly for those new to crypto. People can trade, swap, and spend with confidence.

Why should I invest in the $ENTY token pre-sale?

Buying $ENTY early could lead to big profits, up to 50X. The token is $0.001 in the pre-sale, while it'll be $0.05 later. This offers a great chance to grow your investment early on.

Joining the pre-sale lets you be part of enterapp's future. You help build a strong decentralized finance community.

How secure is the enterapp token pre-sale?

Security is a top priority in the $ENTY pre-sale. Everyone has to do a KYC check for safety. This makes sure it's a good place to invest.

There are also rules to stop one person from buying too many tokens. The team doesn't keep any tokens, so the distribution is fair.

What are the real-world uses of the $ENTY token?

The $ENTY token is handy in enterapp. You can use it for day-to-day spending. It's also good for trips and various DeFi activities, like borrowing.

It makes working with digital money easy and practical in different situations.

What are the details of the enterapp token pre-sale?

In the pre-sale, 820,000,000 $ENTY tokens will be sold. After that, there's a public sale of 100,000,000. Then, the tokens will be on DEXs for trading.

There's a total of 10,000,000,000 $ENTY tokens available across all sales.

Who are the marketing partners for the enterapp pre-sale and ecosystem?

enterapp is working with Bountyportals for its launch. They are a top name in crypto marketing. Bountyportals helps make enterapp known and loved in the community.

They bring their skills to the pre-sale and the whole enterapp experience.

What are the unique features of the enterapp platform?

enterapp sets itself apart with simple and trustable transactions. It has a schedule to keep interest steady and checks in place for security. New and old users will both find it trustworthy for making crypto transactions.

How can I purchase $ENTY tokens?

Buying $ENTY tokens starts at the website. Connect your wallet, like MetaMask. Then, you're all set to buy at the pre-sale price of $0.001.

This early price offers a big chance for growth if the token hits $0.05 in public sales.

Source Links

#Enterapp_io $ENTY #crowdfunding #icolaunchpad #web3 #bountyportals

Official Links
We invite you to embark on this adventure with us.🎉

Website: https://.io/





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