10 Things You Definitely Won't See In North Korea

in entertainment •  7 years ago 

You might have heard about all of the strange things you will probably see in North Korea. The poverty, pictures of past and present leaders everywhere, but what about the everyday things you won’t be seeing when you visit? We will tell you about some of the things we consider mundane, that are either taboo, or harshly punished in North Korea. While people in South Korea are free to wear jeans or mini skirts, women in North Korea were only allowed to wear pants at all very recently. South Korea has some of the fastest internet in the world, but people in North Korea can barely get any signal for their cell phones, not to mention they’re absolutely not allowed to make any international calls. Drinking is a huge part of life in South Korea, but people in the north are only allowed alcohol under very specific circumstances, and indulging in an unauthorized cocktail can have huge penalties.

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