Short on Ideas? I Brainstorm and Share 10 Ideas Every Day. They're Yours for Free, Use Them as You Like!

in entrepreneur •  8 years ago  (edited)

I brainstorm and give away 10 ideas for free every day here. You can follow my Twitter feed to get them for free too.

I send my hand-picked 10 favorite ideas from the past week to community members every Sunday. These are free too. 

Community members also get access to my archive of 1,000's of ideas I've brainstormed. Access to the archive is free as well. 

Come to think of it, membership to our community of supportive and mindful entrepreneurs is also free!

The ideas are shared freely, openly and without reservation. They're yours to use as you see fit :)

Why do I do this?

Here are a few reasons - 

We come alive as we rediscover the truth of our goodness and our natural connectedness to all of life. Tara Brach, Radical Acceptance
IDEAS ARE THE CURRENCY OF LIFE. Not money. Money gets depleted until you go broke. But good ideas buy you good experiences, buy you better ideas, buy you better experiences, buy you more time, save your life. James Altucher, Choose Yourself

I  decided to work at becoming an Idea Machine, along the lines of James Altucher’s writing. James suggests that ideas are the currency of modern times and that becoming an idea machine is a way for us to exercise our idea muscle, to generate an abundance of this currency. He suggests we exercise this muscle by generating ten ideas a day, every day, and that if we do this, our lives will be remarkably different, for the better, every six months.

So give ideas for free, and then when you meet others, give more ideas. James Altucher, Choose Yourself

James also suggests that we openly share and give away our ideas. At first this seemed counterintuitive to me as an entrepreneur. I think that most entrepreneurs do their best to protect their ideas, to prevent them from getting stolen. Plus, if ideas are the currency of modern times, why would I want to give away my currency?

If you operate according to the abundance mentality, and be grateful for the ideas that are flowing through you, then they will be infinite — and they will keep flowing. James Altucher, Choose Yourself

Sharing ideas, which may not the most natural way of being for an entrepreneur, can be pretty powerful and rewarding in practice. If you’re an entrepreneur, think about sharing your ideas, rather than hoarding and keeping them to yourself. 

You just might find that in addition to helping others, you’re also helping yourself by creating and growing a sense of openness, spaciousness and connectedness. These feelings of openness, spaciousness, and connectedness can be quite liberating and refreshing on the entrepreneurship journey, not to mention life!

That's why I do it!

So in case you haven't already signed-up -

Get my 10 ideas for free every day here. You can follow my Twitter feed to get them for free too.

Get my hand-picked 10 favorite ideas from the past week here. You'll receive them every Sunday. These are free too. 

Join our community of supportive and mindful entrepreneurs for free here. Community members to also get access to the archive of 1,000's of ideas I've brainstormed. Access to the archive is free as well.

Have fun!

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