What is your story???

in entrepreneur •  6 years ago 

My story is about someone in a third world country that want to be free! To be free from slavery!


Yes there is still slavery in our world, but I'm fortunate not to be a slave, but unfortunate to slave away in the hope of one day being free! But if I am not a slave why am I slaving away to be free???

This story I would like to tell you is most probably about you! How do I know? I might not even know you! O, but my friend I might not know you, but I know your story!

You slave away at work, being miserable but having to put up a smile! No complaining or you may loose out on that promotion that's actually already overdue by a few years. You get home late, tired and you cant wait to just lay down and take a rest. After supper you do a few things around the house, otherwise it to will fall apart and you fall down on the sofa, wondering why you aren't rich yet! Why you need to work every day to earn a living only to go back the next day to the same job that you hate, just to make enough money to pay the bills.

And there is where the lie comes in! The lie that we are not slaves any more, that we get paid and that we can spend our money earned any way we please!

But you are a fool to think like that! Are you really better off than a slave? What do you spend all that hard earned money on? Rent to stay in "your" house... Food to be able to eat... clothes for work and "your" car in order to have transport to go to work. How much are left at the end of the month after you paid for these items? Are there so much left that you can put away a substantial amount of money each month so that you can retire early?

I bet you barely have anything left to save at the end of the month!!

Now let's compare that to a slave! A slave need to work in order to stay in a dwelling on his masters land, he needs to work in order to be fed and receive clothes... He work or he will need to walk to the place he labors every day! Does that not sound familiar? Does that not sound like your story? You work to earn money, just to pay for your accommodation, to pay for food and clothes and to pay for your means of transport.

O yes my friend you and I alike are slaves to money! We need to earn in order to survive!

You may say, but O no a slave does not get paid!!! I get paid every month a salary! But I ask of you... How much do you get paid? How much are left at the end of the month after you needed to pay for the rent of your house, the clothes that you wear and the food that you eat??? Usually not much... I bet you its usually not even enough to put some away for a rainy day!

As you read this blog, you may realize that this story is only the beginning!

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