3 reasons I became an entrepreneur

in entrepreneurship •  7 years ago  (edited)

1: I SUCKED AT SCHOOL. I knew I was intelligent. I just hated the whole thing. To put it simple. I was too rebellious for the academic life.


2: I FELT I HAD TO DO IT: Whats harder? Getting a job or creating your own business. Everyone has their own path. In my situation it was harder to get a job! I've had jobs... so let me correct that. ACTUALLY Getting the job wasn't the hard part for me.. it was STAYING at the job. It was dedicating a major part of my life to THEM for an extended period of time. It didn't feel as though it was my path. I'm happier building my own business. I feel like I need to do this. For myself.


3: MAJOR GROWTH: not talking financial. It's insanely rewarding to be self sustaining off a business you built. Growth hurts. You wanna talk about struggling? Try being a start up a small business. It's a roller coaster that dips down so low sometimes you wonder if your in the pits of hell.

PUSH PAST HELL. Soar to the skies and feel the warmth of the sun. That's the part!!!! Embrace it!! It's rewarding!!! But Remember this STILL THOUGH.. realize it is a roller coaster your on. It's gonna dip DOWN and Up multiple times. What matters is growth. Personal growth. Mental growth. Work until you get the financial growth.

****SIDE NOTE: the best thing I ever did was have a job while I built my business. I worked FULL TIME. 40+ hours a week until my business was enough*****

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I find it so great that you figured this out so young!
My brother is incredibly intelligent but struggled in school as well, but as soon as he got out, he excelled and is now making double what my ND alumn brother makes!
I fully support local small businesses and wish more would!
Good luck to you.

This is such a great post. I have a lot of friends that are super smart but were never really into school and never able to show off their brains. My younger brother is the same way and he is finally graduating high school this month and all I keep telling him is that school isn't for everyone and there's many other ways to be successful without going into debt and getting a useless degree! That's a reason why I will support a local business over a globalist corporation any day!

Thank you! Tbh I felt like I still needed to go to college even though I didn't want too. It seems necessary! I went to a small college after high school. Luckily, I realized this was not me very quickly & left school after a couple weeks.