How to make the "Panderetas" for the Christmas holidays.

in entropia •  5 years ago 

Hello dear Steemians...

I did this Post to show you step by step how to make some tambourines to use in the Christmas Masses. Last year we made a pair and my godmother liked them so much that she asked us to make two pairs for her this year and I wanted to make them myself.


The materials you used were as follows:
• A piece of broomstick.
• Bottle caps or plates.
• Hammer, segueta, sandpaper and nails.
• Cold paint and brushes.

These tambourines were ordered from me with only three lines of lids, since they are going to be used by small children and so they get less tired.

Well hands to work, to begin we must get some pieces of broomsticks, then we decide the size and cut each piece, we must try to make them all even.


Then we sand each of these wooden rods and shape the tips to make them look more original.


At the moment of painting we must verify that we have all the materials at hand.


I recommend using cold paint, dry fast, of course if we do it with time we can use another type that is more durable as oil-based paint.


We beat the paint well and verify that it has an adequate thickness to do the job.


We begin to paint the woods, preferably before beginning, we look for a suitable place where we will place them to dry.


If the paint we use doesn't cover well, we wait for it to dry and apply a second coat.


Once the paint is dry, we can make decorations such as stripes, dots or even small drawings, of course the more details the more work.


As you can see I will only place points as we will do a simple and fast work. In this way we finish what would be the work of the wood.


Now we begin the work with the lids, the first step is to crush them, of course with care not to crush a finger.


We place the inner part of the lid upwards and we begin to give it small blows so that it opens until it is flat.


Once we have the flat plates the step to follow is, open a hole, I will use a small steel nail, if they have a punch is easier and faster.


To make the hole easier, we must place the lid on top of a piece of wood so that the nail goes through it completely, and when we remove it, we must wave it to make the hole a little wider and so the lids move easily.



And in this way we perforate all the necessary covers for our tambourines.


Then we have to put them all together and the work is done... We have some very original and cool tambourines to celebrate our Christmas and New Year's parties.



Photo Source: Own photos captured with a Dragon camera.
Modified the size: With the Program Paint.

I have learned that for some things we just have to be willing and a little bit of ingenuity or initiative to enjoy moments that we only live a few times a year. I hope you liked it and I say goodbye wishing you all a happy day.

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Good idea to do it in english.

Hello @mauromar, thank you for commenting and supporting me in my post.

I 'sometimes; enjoy working with my hands (if it is something I choose to do, instead of being told to do it). I am glad your parents are teaching you to use your hands, while also doing what they can to grow your art talents.

  • Yo 'a veces; disfrutar de trabajar con mis manos (si es algo que elijo hacer, en lugar de que me digan que lo haga). Me alegro de que tus padres te enseñen a usar tus manos, al mismo tiempo que hacen lo que pueden para hacer crecer tus talentos artísticos.

Que tengas un buen día.
Have a lovely day.

Hola @arthur.grafo, gracias por su comentario, mis padres siempre han tratado de mostrarme cuantas cosas puedo hacer para que yo decida en que me desenvuelvo mejor… Saludos.
Hello @arthur.grafo, thank you for your comment, my parents have always tried to show me how many things I can do for me to decide what I do best ... Greetings.