Reflection on the Environment

in environment •  6 years ago 

Today I want to take time to reflect on some good ol' clean green energy. 

Our world is evolving at a rapid pace. Between technology and politics, I can't really tell anymore which is going faster. We do know that technology is going more green by the second , and it is necessary. We need clean, green energy to power our world because our environment has taken a real beating over the years. We need our experts to come up with ways to grow efficiently, reduce fossil fuel usage and help build a smart ecosystem. It's going to take a lot of time to get to where we need to be but a necessary step if we want to survive for another 100 years.

Resources Limited

Right now, in 2019 we have resources available and teams of people ready to tackle environmental issues but we are more concerned about the Superbowl and what's going on with the Kardashians. I'm not going to lie and say I don't like the Kardashians, we all probably like some aspect about them in secret but I refuse to turn a blind eye to the serious issues facing our globe.

High Tension, Low Exposure

The US right now is having tension overseas in a few areas. We've got the trade issue going on in China, we have the Iran shooting incident. America is losing money across the board, and America hates to lose money. America hates, hates, HATES to lose money! A matter of fact if there was a face of One Who Hates to Lose Money America would be front and center! There's Silicon Valley, all the tech giants, the Pentagon, Wall Street. The all mighty dollar is critical to the American infrastructure, unfortunately more of those dollars are invested into all other areas before going into environmental protection. When it comes to environment, we're behind. We have to catch up with the other nations and start taking our envionmentalists more seriously, and stop being crickets when they warn us about threats like global warming.

Cut and Dry

I refuse to go on a fear-mongering tangent here, but what I can do right now is use my platform to at least spread awareness about some of these present issues. I want to see the country grow fast and get caught up to other places when it comes to preserving humanity but I know this cant happen overnight. I don't believe I'm overly optimistic when I say I feel this country could make a full recovery in 10 years time but we've got a lot of work to do.


We have to make our tech more effective as well, for example cutting down energy consumption of Bitcoin miners. Seriously, with so many hard issues like this to look at there should never be a shortage of jobs for environmentalists.

There's plenty of data and resources on Google definitely showing that we need to make massive adjustments in how we use and consume energy, and we need to do it soon. A moment of silence for the oceans, as I look about ways I can start helping the environment myself.  What can I do right now? Perhaps it's time to get out and volunteer!

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