If you are using greymass eos-voter wallet.
Click the Tools menu.
Click "Airdrops/Custom Tokens" under the "Wallet Tools" heading on the left of the screen.
Click the "Add Custom Token" button on the right of the screen.
You should see a dialog window open. Complete form to match below:
Add Custom Token to Track
Contract Account Name: weosservices
Contract Asset Symbol: WECASHYou should see this confirmation after click "Add Custom Token" button:
Add Custom Token to Track
Enter the account for any custom token contract you wish to monitor.
Token Issuer weosservices
Token Supply 4000000000.0000 WECASH
Token Maximum Supply 4000000000.0000 WECASHClick the "Confirm Token Addition" button.
You should now see the token balances listed when you click the "Wallet" menu and click the "Balances" tab.