Everipedia added to Coinmarketcap. How bullish are you?

in eos •  7 years ago 

I was very excited about Lunyr at some point (even created content for their beta, which was a pure disappointment) but so far they didn't make it work.


How bullish are you for Everipedia?

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It depends on how popular Everipedia becomes. If it can attract the attention similar to Steemit, it will be a first class dApp. But if it will be run and governed by a small club of enthusiasts, its a nice technical novelty but not much more than that.

The Art is in Tryin'

well, i also think that the team is 50% of success - are there skills in place, expertise, connections, drive etc... The founder is 23 years old, don't have management experience (neither relevant niche experience), no connections really. So, sounds super fishy to me...