The Weekly Airdrop #7

in eos •  6 years ago  (edited)


At EOS Detroit, we keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the EOS ecosystem. In an effort to keep the community up to speed on the latest breaking news and updates we produce The Weekly Airdrop, an EOS focused research report.

If you didn’t read The Weekly Airdrop last week, you can find it here.

You can also Subscribe to The Weekly Airdrop to receive them directly by email.

EOS News

Akon Joins the EOS Alliance:

AKON, a multi-platinum music artist and blockchain enthusiast, has joined the EOS Alliance as an initial board member. EOS Alliance is a new coordinating group will further unlock the full potential of EOS, the world’s fastest governed blockchain, by providing a platform for collaborative, transparent decision-making and information-sharing within the EOS community. EOS Alliance will serve the EOS community by streamlining and facilitating communication and education that affects EOS token holders, Block Producers, application creators and other stakeholders.

We Support EOS Alliance:

Recently, Brock Pierce proposed the creation of the EOS Foundation which has now been renamed EOS Alliance. We at EOS Detroit believe that the EOS Alliance is a much needed structure for evolving EOS into a mature form. And with Thomas B. Cox being a potential nominee to serve as interim Executive Director (until proper voting mechanisms are in place), there is definitely a lot of excitement in the community about this.

More information:


EOS Hackathon - London:

Dan Larimer and Brendan Blumer are set to attend as judges in London September 22-23. Link.

EOS Hackathon - San Francisco:

Block.One announced that the 4th EOS Hackathon will take place in San Francisco on November 10-11.

Chintai Launch:

Chintai is a decentralized peer to peer EOS token leasing platform that is set to launch on August 21. The Chintai user interface will interact directly with the EOS blockchain using EosJS in order to push transactions and read data. All users will authenticate with EOS through Scatter to log in to Chintai. Users will have access to a list of both “Stake” and “Lease” orders available on the Chintai open market. Chintai will be designed to allow future markets to access the platform for different use-cases. This includes the ability for different EOS side-chains to utilize Chintai on their own chains, as well as for applications that may require different leasing mechanisms. The lease market will initially be set up to accommodate 3-day, 7-day, 14-day and 30-day lease periods, while future updates will provide a wider variety of lease term options. Chintai will ensure users do not sacrifice the ability to access any of the fundamental benefits inherent to the EOS blockchain, such as voting and airdrops. More information about Chintai can be found here.

EOS Node Tools:

EOS Block Matrix launched a website that provides resources for EOS node automation which makes it easier for dapp developers and block producers to deploy their API nodes. Link.

EDNA Announcement:

EDNA, a decentralized DNA sequencing project, has just announced that they are now taking reservations for DNA sequencing services from EDNA-Labs. Greg Simpson and the rest of the team have been doing a great job and their support base has been growing steadily. If you haven’t looked into this project, check it out.

New Releases

EOSIO 1.1.6

Following the 1.1.5 release, 1.1.6 was released as a hotfix to patch issues with Docker not being able to compile contracts. Link.

EOSIO 1.2.1

Following the 1.2.0 release which included MongoDB plugin enhancements, community plugin integrations, and replay optimization... 1.2.1 was released as a hotfix to patch issues that fixed null-pointer dereference for waiting producers and also improve error messaging when passing non-WASM files to cleos. Link.

Note: The Mainnet repo is only recommending an update to EOSIO 1.1.6 at this time.


Price of EOS:


EOS Voter Turnout:


Market Cap:


Price of RAM:

0.13039060 EOS per KiB

Note: The numbers above are accurate as of 09:30 am EST on 08/18/2018.


Defining Wealth for an Alternative Economy:

On August 21, EOS Detroit will be hosting and live streaming another event in Detroit at Red Door. Watch the livestream here..


EOS Ignite:

EOS Detroit participated in the EOS Ignite Conference on August 14-15 along with other valuable members of the EOS community. EOS Detroit CEO Rob Konsdorf led a discussion as a moderator of Session 4 (Technology) with Igor Lins e Silva from EOS Rio and Ali Ayyash from Lumeos.

Watch EOS Ignite Webcast Conference:

Telos Launch:

Telos is a separate blockchain network that is a variant of the EOSIO code. The first “go/no-go” vote is set to take place on September 28th (changed from September 24th). Our team at EOS Detroit has been very involved in launch preparations alongside dozens of key members of the EOSIO community. Our EOS Detroit Director of Business Operations and in-house governance analyst Adam Zientarski has been nominated to chair the Governance working group of Telos. The first draft of the Telos Network Operating Agreement has been put forth which can be found here. EOS Detroit also recruited two local law professionals to aid in the establish of the TAO arbitration forum for the Telos network.

Additionally, EOS Detroit CEO Rob Konsdorf is chairing the Bounty working group for Telos. Rob has been building a slicing pie dynamic equity splitting app that will be used to distribute the Telos Founders Rewards Pool. Two separate compensation consultants joined the group to help ensure the values placed on various types of contributor work reflect data-driven, real world figures.

More Information:

  • Watch the latest Telos Contributors Call. Link.
  • Read the Telos Network Weekly Report - August 16, 2018. Link.
  • If you’re interested in contributing to Telos Governance discussions, reach out to @loyalnine on Telegram or join the EOS Detroit channel. Contributors may be eligible to participate in the Telos Bounty Rewards system and earn TLOS!

Featured Airdrop of the Week

Airdrops are additional tokens that are distributed to EOS token holders. New projects can bootstrap a user base for their DApp while avoiding the complexity of selling tokens via the traditional ICO method. Projects may withhold founder tokens that can provide a runway for the development team. Market participants then decides the fair market value of airdropped tokens for themselves.


HorusPay is a decentralized Global Payroll Portal designed to dramatically reduce the friction and cost of onboarding and disbursing payroll to international employees. Using blockchain technology, HorusPay will dramatically reduce payroll costs, errors, and delays, while increasing accuracy and security. The HorusPay solution will give global entities more control over their payroll processes and ultimately lead to faster payroll disbursement for global employees. HorusPay sincerely believes cryptocurrencies are key to creating a single, cost-effective, global monetary system.

The Problem

Global payroll is a common headache for global entities. The current system is complex and faulty because it’s plagued by obscure laws and regulations, inefficient communications, and middlemen who strive to simplify global payroll, but complicate it further. When a company outsources payroll to a global payroll provider or aggregator, the entity experiences four common problems:

  • Low quality vendors with high fees
  • Inefficient, error-prone communications
  • Slow international transactions
  • Security concerns

The Solution

By using blockchain technology for global payroll, global entities can complete faster transactions, reduce costs, and experience better security. By creating uneditable, transparent records and vendor reviews, blockchain makes it easy for global entities to research new payroll vendors. As an alternative payroll solution, HorusPay users can work with high quality vendors, minimize expenses, and automate data flow, while increasing accuracy and improving communications.

  • Eliminate the middleman
  • One global portal
  • Control of high quality vendors
  • Employee and cost reduction
  • Automated data integration and increased accuracy
  • Effective communications
  • Streamline paying employees

The Tokens

HORUS tokens were airdropped to EOS token holders on June 30, 2018 at a 1:1 ratio based on the EOS genesis snapshot.

Recent Update From the Team at HorusPay

“Our staking contract will be deployed on August 31st, token holders will be able to initiate staking using cleos and claim the tokens in our portal once it is opened for registration effective on September 22nd. HORUS token holders will then be able to access the HorusPay Payroll Portal Home page. This is not intended to be a full Beta release but will allow users to start getting familiar with our User Interface. We will enable payroll file sharing features and staking functionality for the generation of Horus dollars. Users holding 1 million HORUS or higher will receive weekly payouts at a 1% monthly rate, this increase will continue during the Beta period and until we release a fully working version of our Payroll Software. HorusPay is unclear on how long this period will take and does not guarantee a specific time window.”
-Jarib Figueredo, HorusPay Founder and CEO

See also: Interview with the CEO/Founder of HorusPay

For more information about airdrops, we encourage you to visit AirdropsForEOS.

At EOS Detroit, we keep our finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the EOS ecosystem. In an effort to keep the community up to speed on the latest breaking news and updates we produce The Weekly Airdrop, an EOS focused research report.

If you didn’t read The Weekly Airdrop last week, you can find it here.

You can also Subscribe to The Weekly Airdrop to receive them directly by email.

Please contact [email protected] to report inaccuracies.

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[Chintai is the name of a really well known magazine in Japan.] ( Owned by a major corp. Sure there will be no problems using this name?

That's interesting to know. No idea if that will have an impact on them or not, I guess we'll have to wait and see. Thanks for the note!