Wancloud’s Statements to the Two New Criteria for EOS BP Candidates

in eos •  6 years ago 

This article is going to state Wancloud’s answers to the two new criteria for Eos BP candidates.

Part1 Wancloud’s Position on Dividends

Wancloud will never promise any types of token inflation reward dividend to any voters. Because it’s very unfair to attract the voters by the profit and it will violate the spirit of blockchain. The token inflation reward should be used in appropriate ways to help build a better EOS community. And we will explain our plan on how to spend the token inflation revenue in the next part.

Part 2 Wancloud’s roadmap on the things that we deem important

As our slogan“A Trusted Enterprise Contributor of Blockchain Ecosystem” suggests, Wancloud is committed to being not only a contributor of blockchain ecosystem, but also a TRUSTED Block Producer. So Wancloud takes the security, community development, transparency and independence of EOS.io as our first priority. The following paragraphs will explain our security measures, community development plan, stance on independence and transparency, and the plan to spend the token inflation revenue.

Security measures

  1. Implement global active-active node via GSLB(Global server load balance). Wancloud will deploy EOS node at Shanghai, Hong Kong and other cities.
  2. Wancloud node will connect production network via VPN channels to enhance the network security.
  3. A powerful firewall will protect our node, it can prevent DDOS attack and filter suspicious package.
  4. Multi-factor authentication is needed for the OPS team to login Wancloud’s server.
  5. A jump server will deploy in front of out server, it will log any actions on Wancloud’s sever then Wancloud can audit it.
  6. A powerful monitoring system will alert Wancloud when the system is not stable.
  7. Scan Wancloud’s system will be a regular job to found the problems and fix it.
  8. Keep the EOS software is updated.
  9. Wancloud will join EOS community to get security information in time.
  10. Setup a DMZ environment for security team to do network attack and defense drilling.
  11. Wancloud’s algorithm team will use formal verification tools to enhance smart contract’s security.

Roadmap on community development

As Wancloud told in the first report https://steemit.com/wancloud/@eoswancloud/introduction-to-wancloud-block-producer, Wancloud has specific plan for the community development.

  1. Holding meetup to advocate the concept of EOS and encourage more people to participate in EOS’ ecosystem construction.
    Meetup in Singapore, Late April (Done)
    Meetup in Hongkong, April 25th (Done)
    Meetup in Chengdu, May 5th (Done)
    Meetup in New York, May 10th (Done)
    Meetup in Shanghai, May 20th
    Meetup in Korea, Late May

  2. After 3rd June, we will more focus on the EOS ecosystem building.
    Continuing global meetup
    Lunching API based on EOS
    Lunching DApp based on EOS
    Organizing EOS-Wancloud Training event
    Organizing EOS-Wancloud Hackathon event
    Building online forum for EOS

Independence and transparency

Wancloud will hold the firm belief on “Trusted” to promise to be honest, righteous and ethical. We will never accept or pay anything valuable to gain a vote. And Wancloud will maintain operation independently and keep financial independence at all times. We promise that Wancloud will keep on our independence from the investors, the voters and the other BPs, so that we will not be affected or manipulated by any individuals and institutions, and will never compromise with any benefit.

Transparency is the spirit of blockchain. As a block producer, to be transparent is the critical and fundamental requirement, which should include but not limit to the operational details, revenue and expense of running as the node, and the plan on the token inflation rewards. Only in a transparent environment, a healthy and moral community could be established.

Plan on how to spend the token inflation reward

As we state in above, Wancloud will be independent from the voters, investors and other BPs and will never make any dividend promise to them. We will use our token inflation reward for the following things:

  1. Maintaining and improving our technology specifications including the hardware equipment for stable operation, scaling plan and security measures by demand.
  2. Incubating the potential EOS DApp projects to enrich the EOS ecosystem.
  3. If there are still surplus dividends, we will organize more training event for Eos.io, such as “how to build a DApp on EOS”, to bring more people to get to know EOS and promote the development of EOS.io.

Wancloud BP candidate website: www.wancloud.cloud
Wancloud telegram group: https://t.me/EOSWancloud
Contact us: [email protected]

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