In Defence And Praise Of The Crypto Snowflake

in eos •  6 years ago  (edited)
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Delighted to meet a genuine, self-proclaimed, Crystalline Snowflake. And residing in the Tropical Belt - Tropic of Capricorn.

Right and Left still have some meaning but not much. To consider Sound Money, pro Free Market libertarians as "Conservative" or "on the Right," or the "Extreme Paleo-Right" is to cling to bias and seriously miss the mark.

Yes, this whole paradigm will be overturned and replaced by a new Thought Form and everything that was so smug will be rendered irrelevant, at least until it comes back in style in the next cycle. That's the kind of unstable world we live in.

I think we can agree that it does require Human Action (governance and self-governance) to guide us through these changes. Embodied life is a type of bondage and sane people look for ways and means to pay back the debt, and attenuate the grip of Darkness over the Light.

That's for sure! We are all courageous just for being here regardless of where we it is that we are coming from. Great comment!

Deconstructing the World is a worthwhile pastime and I propose, mostly the province of Sages and Comedians. The Laughing Buddha was clearly laughing about something.

So you observe that property rights are of little importance to the younger generations, and that they are more interested in "community." Well yes, as long as they have a general sense of well being, they may not miss what they don't have. But as insight tells us, any leaning, whether leaning on "community" or leaning on wealth can be very harmful to the individual.

Murry Rothbard has mentioned in his writings that "all rights are really Property Rights." And that Self ownership is the basis of all other ownerships. And that there are really only three choices as regards ownership: 1) that it is owned by nobody, 2) that it is owned by everybody and 3) that someone, namely the individual owns itself, at least for the time being. Finally that if any of these are manageable, it must certainly be the third choice.

This is a discovery process only.

Ownership and property rights are one of the dominant metaphors of our age and property as a metaphor definitely deconstructs the world.

Self ownership being the basis of all other ownerships. This makes me think knowing thyself is the basis of all other knowings.

I guess the discovery process I was exploring was what does property mean in the age of open source cooperatives, blockchains and zero marginal cost. Maybe it was a reaction to people worrying about hoarding their wealth rather than imagining something different. And even that what property rights grants us in a competitive marketplace communities might grant us in a cooperative commons.

But it could well all just have been a naive snowflake wish!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well no doubt we are in FLUX, but so are we always. (Our civilization is now in flux.) Re: Self-Ownership, I agree that deep inquiry into "Who am I" UN-DOES everything. The World is false, a 'momentary' illusion.

The underlying Truth is never absent though, it's omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, Existence, Knowledge, Bliss, Name and Form. The last two form the tangled Web of Ignorance in which we live.

But I think I do see where you are coming from and I see the same thing: The Rules can be drastically different now. The deck is being reshuffled. Almost anything can happen. Things like "Guaranteed Incomes" may be proposed by for-profit enterprises. Governments too can be open-sourced.

Certainly we must experiment to find out where the limits are. Certainly Man proposes and God, Nature, The Absolute disposes of our dreams and wishes.

Fantastic Food for Thought, thanks.

I really enjoyed that exchange. Looking forward to your next post on such things!

And btw I'm not a relativist, at least not lately. I especially like how you say the underlying Truth is never absent. An evolving Truth that we all share - and create - together. Absolute(ly)

Thanks back @lyfo

Nearly overlooked your post... and what a drive, connecting blockchain to the history of humanity itself. Unfortunately i missed the EOS go decision (fell asleep) rewatching it was so exciting watching people from all over the world come together and discuss the launch of something entirely new. A perfect demonstration how blockchain has the power to make our world even flatter. I haven't heard about the term snowflake, but i guess i can follow the idea, and the discussion on article 15 was quite revealing. I was always a bit buzzled about Dan stressing, property and liberty, which sounded to me pretty much like Austrian economics, being opposed to any regulation, governance etc, but looking at the constitution, with the arbitration which is of course a mean to revert appropriation, and then the article 15 which strongly defines the token not as property but rather as operational items.... its all about the action not mere possession.
Those government layers will and do connect people all around the world instantly, and yet... as eos n its current form and most other crypto is still based on investment, the most influential players still sit in the West and Far east and other regions might remain marginalised, just like they are now (only as westerner you can go anywhere in the world, the rest just doesnt get a visa)

It was a bit of a ramble this post and not sure about it! Just an idea I was trying to explore, maybe not so well.

And I agree, looking at the constitution and property rights and the emphasis being on action. Where this all leads to is something new, at least I hope it's new! There is the need for investment but at some point, if it's working, the investment will be measured in communities rather than dollars. Not sure when that will happen but with dapps being so much easier on Eos hopefully soonish. When developers in those marginalised areas are writing the revolutionary dapps, can't wait for that.

Some talk in telegram recently that I tend towards and Brock Pierce used to say is that your main 'property' is you, it's your reputation. But we need some stronger identity tools/features to explore it. There are lots of options there with some more worrying than others and there is always the radical transparency approach. I'm in for radical transparency I think.

Thanks for your comments @conceptskip. It was great fun watching the launch. How hard is it to become a block producer! I wonder if there will be another chain with all those idle bps.

I like that on steem, that often you just start writing, and it's not the well composed article but still exciting discussions evolve. Interesting thought, that it would get more into communnity aspects, than just investment. A lot of dapps or projects seem to be oriented towards community-building. Just listened to dallas rushing today, who introduced his karma dapp, which will reward people based on good deeds, that are upvoted, or Kyle from Hirevibes, who suggested charity conducted via blockchain. How far is that from store-of-value-btc? With reputation you can also do very much, bit likely there are still problems possible. What do you undestand as radical transparency?
The launch is really exciting, only i'd hope for a bit more speed.... Thanks from my side as well for inspiring thoughts!

You've probably read it already but the radical transparency part comes from Dan's post. It's brave but I'm in (I think!)

And exactly, how far from a store of value - a very long way but much more valuable!