Sweden passes universal basic sex lawsteemCreated with Sketch.

in equality •  7 years ago  (edited)

The Swedish parliament passed a law securing its citizens universal basic sex earlier this week. The law secures each citizen’s right to at least 5 intercourses every month.

After recent studies showed that 90 % of all sexual intercourses in Sweden are had by less than 1 % of the males, influential Swedish academics have been pushing hard for the parliament to take responsibility and create more equality on the sexual market.

Education Minister in Sweden Gustav Fridolin says universal basic sex will work as a sexual safety net for people who fall off the sexual market, and protect the unfortunate from being outcompeted by big actors. He points out that, without government intervention, the automation of sex through applications such as Tinder and extremely effective advice from pick-up artists would eventually make all the sex end up in the hands of the few.

Fridolin has long been known for his dedication to equality, but regrets that "the sexual market has been left unregulated and outright neglected by socialists for decades". The Green Party leader thinks what is needed to bring ultimate equality to Western society is more sexual socialism and the very progressive “intercourse tax”.

“No individual should have to survive on less than 5 intercourses a month, let alone experience virginity”, the minister stated. “Therefore, it is our duty to make sure every citizen is guaranteed that minimum amount of sex. In Sweden, 90 % of the sex is had by less than 1 % of the males. In a country built on equality this is unacceptable”, Fridolin concluded.

It is not yet fully decided exactly how the law will be implemented, but the suggestion most likely to go through is a voucher system through which a male without access to a sexual partner will be able to choose 5 women of his choosing. However, a woman cannot be forced into an intercourse with more than 5 males per month, since any number above 5 “would be an unreasonable requirement towards someone who may not find every single intercourse enjoyable and possibly rebel as a consequence” the bill stated.

Some people have been voicing concerns that the government is perhaps overreaching, and that forcing people to give away sex is an abuse of power. However, the Swedish government has clearly promised that the intercourse tax will not be raised to more than 5 per month. They also emphasize that setting the right intercourse rate is a tough balancing act: “In a social democratic society it is the politicians’ job to strike the right balance between protecting intimacy rights, and securing the sexual well-being of the less fortunate”, prime minister Stefan Löfven stated.


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I supposed this is satirical, but an interesting idea nonetheless:) I agree that modern dating creates an enormous winner effect where a few males end up with all the hot girls. That is the reason we had religion and tried to repress female sexuality, so that sex was distributed more equally, preferably in homogenous relationships. Unequal distribution of sex, where most men a almost virgin and the very few have large harems will inevitably destabilise society. Sweden, being a matriarchy, I cannot see how this 'system' is going to play out. Very interesting indeed:)

ho no man

It has now been implemented.

This is absolutly Hilarious. We have the same problem in the United states lol. Our sex is free market based but i can get on board with socialized intercourse. One question does the government choose my partner or do i get a voucher?

According to Swedish officials, the details are yet not finalized, but experts are expecting the introduction of a voucher system through which you get the right to intercourses of your choosing.

very good

interesting. curious how this law gets implemented.

A voucher system is the expected to be the solution. All citizens will get vouchers guaranteeing them 5 free intercourses each month.

You do understand that this is fake news satire??

But what the hell is happening in Sweden? I do not even know where to begin to describe all the negative consequences of such a decision. definitely the politicians without brain would end by destroying all the civilizations, only to be perpetuated in the power.

You actually bought that?? OMFG!

Those lucky Swedes.

FF sign of approval

Too bad I wasn't born in Sweden!

Phew, jesus. I thought this was serious for a second, because the libertarian in me was about 2 go ham in the comments. It was until I saw the journal, which is basically the Scandinavian Onion.

Good post, but typically the proposed solution ignores the cause of the problem. In multiple surveys the majority of women report some form of sexual dysfunction. They only have sex for ulterior benefits rather than for "difficult" or unlikely orgasms. As a teacher I see poor education (anti-sex education) as the reason why most women don't have sex for the simple pleasure of it. Among our closest relatives, bonobo chimps, the females have sex with every male in the troop.