Practical Angel Magick Supplemental-- Some Background On The Angels Of The Shemhamphorash

in esoteric •  7 years ago  (edited)

Greetings steemians! We are approaching the halfway mark of our Steem Magick Group Ritual working with the angel Nememiah and I thought, now that you who have been practicing with us have felt the serene yet powerful presence of these angels, it was appropriate to give a little background about these angels.

The names of the angels are derived through a technique known as Boustaphedron applied to Exodus chapter 14 verses 19-21 in the original Hebrew. The English translation of these verses is:

"19: And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel,
removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before
their face, and stood behind them.

20: And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of
Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness, but it gave light by night: so that
the one came not near the other all the night.

21: And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the
sea to go by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry and the
waters were divided."

The names of the 72 angels of the Shemhamphorash are derived by the Boustaphedric reading of these 3 verses which yields 72 triads of letters (one from each verse) with each triad being the name of an angel. Together these 72 names make up a 216 letter name of God called the Shemhamphorash which means "The Divided Name" in Hebrew. In this sense, the term "God" is referring to the unity of all existence, what the Hermetics call "The All" and Kabbalists call "Ein Soph", and as such, each angel is an aspect of this divine unity.

Each angel is called, in part, by the recitation of a particular verse from one of the psalms. The particular angel we are working with, Nememiah, is called using the Hebrew recitation of Psalms 115:11 which translates into English as: "You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord! He is their help and their shield." Nememiah is ruled by the Archangel Michael and is associated with the first 5 degrees of Leo in the zodiac. He has power over the demon Ose who tends to give the people he effects a false sense of grandiosity and to make them think they are more important than they are.

These angels are at the heart of Kabbalistic Magick and have been called by mystics and sages so long its origins have been buried by the sands of time. They are a key component of the Sepher Raziel which legends states was transmitted to Adam by the Archangel Raziel (whom we call in our ritual) who inscribed it on tablets of saphire. These angels have been called for at least hundreds, if not thousands, of years by magickians to not only aid communities but also to defeat "demonic" forces, in particular the 72 spirits of the Ars Goetia.

Since these angels have the power to defeat these dark entities, those of us practicing the ritual may notice around this time what seems like desperate attempts at getting us to stop by negative forces, in particular narcissistic types with a false sense of being more important than others. This is nothing more than the frantic death throes of parasites, much like the spasmic writhing of slugs when exposed to salt and is an indication that the working is beginning to take effect. I would strongly suggest cutting ties with any person who seems to act like this ritual is some form of personal attack as this person is most likely strongly influenced by these parasitic beings.

I hope you found this supplemental piece to our group ritual enlightening as well as helpful. My experience has been incredible so far as have the others I have spoken with about it and I think we should start seeing the effects very soon. Til next time, happy steeming!

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Always enjoyed reading about these kinds of things. Angels and demons are quite the topic.

They are indeed, particularly once you get involved with it. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Awesome post

Heh, I was just wondering earlier if there was an Esoteric subgroup on Steem. Good to see and interesting post...

Huge text but worth reading !

Hey, just wondering, how much do you believe of what you write?
between - really love magic ;)

I know that working with the angels gives you a really happy calm feeling and you can see the effects. If it's really because of angels or if it's all in your mind doesn't really matter. I definitely love @patelincho!

What an enjoyable post . For me anyway .

I did this first time and all i felt after was happines and peace : ) Love you !

Indeed, they are wonderful aren't they? Just like you lubov moja!

I love you , i think people first have to look the deamons in themself ...............

yes that was a big part of this post....


Iskam te i si mi nujna lubov moja! Ti si moja sjat zaschtoto ti si vsichko za men!

Very soon we will be together , even we are in our hearts . Love you !

Yes surce moe, very soon. Just a matter of a short time.

I am so grateful you wrote this article!!!! This is exactly what I want to know.

I love the magic story, it's excellent, I'd like to continue reading about your topic, I'm in the mood for a friend, I'll vote for you and I'll continue my pleasure.

I love the magic story, it's excellent, I'd like to continue reading about your topic, I'm in the mood for a friend, I'll vote for you and I'll continue my pleasure.

Here I leave you an interesting motivation theme created by my I hope you like it and you can read it greetings

I'm glad you enjoyed it.