White Post Pit Stop

in esteem •  7 years ago 

Here’s another semi-hidden gem for you.

I’m in the process of shooting clips for today’s DTube video. I’m in Hackney by the river. I know this area well, as I used to live here. I went to my favourite “cafe” in the area only to learn that they’ve stopped serving coffee!


So I decided to check out this little enclave I knew about already, but had never chilled at. It’s one of those places that one files away in the mental cabinet in the “will-check-out-later” folder.

Well, later is today. It’s a charming little cafe/workspace on the bank of the River Lee that flows along parts of east London, including Hackney. Hackney Wick to be precise.

White Post Cafe/Bar


From the website:

WPC was started by Dan and Richard with a simple aim: to be a friendly, local bar. Not just that, we wanted to be a useful local bar. We’re not here to push an agenda or a design aesthetic on people: we’re here to join in and to help. We have created a flexible, creative space that functions as a local boozer, as a café, as a venue for meetings, workshops, parties, screenings, lectures and more.


Well then, that’s perfect for a pit stop I thought. I had myself the usual black Americano, and a sarnie. That’s lunch taken care of. Having said that, when I’m away from home, I have to be conscious to take in more fluids in the non-coffee variety. I tend to get dehydrated because I end up walking for ages without drinking any water.

Right, off to shoot the rest of the clips for my video.


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.
© adetorrent.com

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Eagerly waiting for the clips here. No Pressure though :D
That looks a lovely cafe, but then again, I love all cafes, it's a weird thing.

Awwww...this is soooo cool