lifting rice is a harvest that occurs every once a year.
Although in the middle of drought the farmers of paddy fields in muli coolies, in aceh managed to harvest.
During a number of drought and haze areas.
The farmers in the mature porters of Aceh are even excited because their rice plants will harvest even in the middle of the drought.
head of Food Security Production Division of Food Crops and Horticulture aceh Muhammad Ali said there are currently 50 thousand hectares of paddy fields in mature porters ready for harvest.
In the matured coolies each hectare is able to produce 6, 4 tons to 7 tons of rice.
while to anticipate the drought against long drought, a number of farmers claimed to work self-help farmer groups.
We from far away make a water pump to irrigate to paddy fields. said Udin chairman of the farmer group.